This is your first track as Jovonika have you both been involved with previous projects? 

Yeah we’ve been involved in projects together since forever. We’ve always played, written and recorded music in various different bands growing up. We’ve hopped from genre to genre along the way and picked up a whole bunch of influences which you can definitely hear in the music. We’re also siblings so we’ve also been involved in a whole lotta lego projects since kids as well. Those were real team building days and when we sharpened our team work skills. I guess from the lego days to the old bands we were in, Jovonika is a coming of age. 


What was the creative process with this track? 

‘All In My Head’ was actually written during lockdown in 2021 so it’s been on the back burner for a little while and had a bunch of chops and changes to it but we’re finally happy to release it. Musically we wanted to capture a really bright tropical feel for this song paired with a 4/4 dance beat. We wanted to make something really hypnotic and groovy which captures our sound and vocally we wanted to cultivate our own style with having our different vocals coming in and out of each other keeping the listener on their toes. I think you can definitely feel the summer heat on this track even though it was mainly recorded during a cold Melbourne winter haha. 

What is the song about?

Since ‘All In My Head’  was a song written during lockdown 2021 it touches on the feeling of yearning to be in a warmer and better place and the struggles of relationships which we definitely felt during the pandemic.  It’s a complete escapism song. Even though we’re out of the pandemic now, the song still relates to everyday life. Whether you’re stuck in a rough patch and wanna escape to a better place or whether you’re actually in a good place but don’t realise it by overthinking your relationships I think ‘All In My Head’ can represent both of those parallel feelings. It’s up to the listener. 


What would you like this song to reflect about Jovonika?

I think ‘All In My Head’ reflects the music well for this stage of Jovonika. It’s only our debut release and I think you can hear the fun we had making it throughout the song.


Where do you see yourself in 12 months?

Well we definitely see ourselves owning a yacht parked out in Melbourne’s docklands by then but if that manifestation doesn’t go to plan I guess

releasing a lot of music and having a few music vids out.  We’re gonna be using our time this summer to work on a few acoustic and live performance videos too which we wanna drop on our YouTube channel. So hopefully in the next 12 months we’ll have a lot of music and videos for people to listen to and watch. 


Can we expect any live shows coming up?

I’d say our main focus at this point is to record and release as much music as possible. We definitely fell into a trap with our other projects of playing the live circuit and accepting too many shows to the point which affected our abilities to release more music, so we definitely don’t want to go down that road again. We also want to give people a good live show and make it a unique experience. So it might take just a lil time to figure out how we’re going to do some of these songs live but definitely not too long. In the meantime we plan on dropping a lot of live performances and acoustic vids on our YouTube channel which people can eventually watch. I think that’s a good way to see us live without us taking too much time away from writing and recording.


How consistently can we expect Jovonika to roll out music? 

We’ve got a lot of music that we wanna get off our chest so it could be every couple months, it could be sooner.  We definitely want to have a handful of songs released by mid year next year if all goes to plan. We’re also independent so rollouts definitely require more work, planning and time for artists like us but we’re not afraid of hard work. We’re keen to release as much music as possible. 
