A Quick Chat with Gretta Ziller
Can you tell us a bit about your inspiration for your single ‘St.Louis’?
St. Louis is an expression of my gratitude to all the songs, and the writers of those songs, that shaped my musical influences. In particular, the first song I performed for an audience; St. Louis Blues written by W.C Handy.” (can highly recommend the Bessie Smith version)
What are your influences and how do they affect your songwriting?
I definitely don’t sit nicely into a genre box and I think my influences have played a huge part in that, be it lyrically or tonally. I’ve always had a really diverse list of influences. I grew up on a steady stream of everything from Billie Holiday to Sarah Vaughn to Pavarotti to Saturday RAGE! Now I’ve added artists like Foy Vance, Lucinda Williams, HAIM & Tom Petty to that mix.
What’s the creative process like for you?
I feel like I’m a bit of a songwriting Bowerbird!! I’ll collect song ideas, or lyrics or melodies until I’m ready to make something of them. Oftentimes I’ll look at what I've written and think ‘what was I smoking’ but sometimes there’ll be something that sparks a song!
If you could change something about the Australian music industry what would it be?
Oooh this questions a can of worms!!! If I had to pick 1 thing I think it would be increasing the inclusion of Australian music over all platforms, Mainstream Radio, Advertising, TV & Film & Major Events. I think if these industries were required to include more Australian content (that weren’t legacy acts) it would have a hugely positive snowball effect on the industry and for artists at all career levels.
What do you think life would be like for you if you didn’t have music as an outlet?
This is such a hard question to answer, I’ve never actually had any job outside of Music. Is there a job role for someone full of hair brained ideas?? I’m good at that!! Don’t ask me to execute the ideas but I’m great at thinking of weird and wonderful things to do! Otherwise maybe I’d have a plant farm or work in a puppy daycare … that would be awesome!
Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with? Why?
Rag n’ Bone man … his voice! I’m an absolute sucker for a deep soulful voice, be it male or female!
What’s your advice to young people who want to make a career for themselves in the industry?
If you’re an independent artist you have to divide yourself into 2 people. The creative you & the small business owner you … and you need to work at both of these equally. And you don’t have enough gig miles on you if you haven’t had to make a mic stand out of something that isn’t a mic stand at a gig!!
Who’s the most interesting person you’ve worked with/met?
I think that would have to be Joy McKean. What a pioneer of not only the country music scene but women in the music industry in general. She was a woman who did it all, songwriting, performing, tour management, child raising, whilst spending most of the year on the road living out of a caravan. If I could be half the woman she was I’d be very grateful.
Any plans for a tour on the cards?
Yes! I’m doing an album preview tour this August, with 2 album launch shows here in Melbourne. Then I’m off to Nashville & Americana Fest in September playing showcases while I’m there.