A Quick Chat with Littlefair
For those unfamiliar, how would you describe Littlefair in 3 words?
Eclectic harmonic chaos
What have been some of the highlights of your musical career (so far)?
Top highlights include road-tripping to Shark Bay for Beats in the Bay and winning the Emerging Artist Award at Nannup Music Festival in early 2024. Recording our upcoming EP is a close third—it was such a fun and creative experience, and I can’t wait to share it this year!
Congratulations on your new single ‘Happy.’ What inspired this track?
Just your typical quarter-life crisis. It's about questioning societal expectations like getting a job, buying a house, settling down, and finding your own purpose instead. The track reflects my journey to discovering that happiness comes from making your own meaning in life.
If ‘Happy’ were a soundtrack for any movie or show, which one would it be?
A young millennial reboot of Friends—I can already hear it over the opening credits!
What messages or feelings do you hope listeners take away from ‘Happy’?
Be silly, pick up that hobby, and do things because they make you happy—not because others expect it of you.
What is something that makes the band happy?
Band family dinners (Lillian’s cooking is top-notch), workshopping new music, being silly, and playing Worms 2: Armageddon.
Who are your 5 favourite Australian artists at the moment?
Joan and the Giants, Siobhan Cotchin, Mia June, Red Moon Cowboy, and Jack Davies and the Bush Chooks.
How can fans best support your music?
Stream our music, follow us on socials, come to shows, and grab a record when it’s ready. Perth’s music scene is amazing—there are incredible artists playing gigs every week. Explore local music wherever you are and support your local venues!
Follow Littlefair: Instagram | Facebook
Listen to ‘Happy’: Stream Here