A Quick Chat with Arty Ziff

Loving your new track ‘ByeByeBaby’!
We can feel such a smooth groove underneath it that makes you just get up and dance but listening a bit closer it feels there’s a lot more happening in the lyrics.
Can you tell us a bit about the story behind the track?

Thank you so much! ‘ByeByeBaby’ is about the realisation you’ve made a huge mistake in letting someone go. I think we have all been somewhere similar in a relationship. As Jade puts it “My favourite songs are the ones that make you dance and make you cry all at once.”

Absolutely love Jade’s vocals on the track! How did you two connect?

Jade and I both went to the same primary school and high school. I was a few years older, and we had never crossed paths, but through mutual connections we were able to do this track together and I'm so happy we did!

How do you typically start the creative process, from writing a track to deciding it’s something
you’d like to release?

I have so many different ways of starting a song. Sometimes I’ll just mess around with some chords, or it may be an interesting drum idea I have thrown together. But usually, I know when something has potential, or it is just a fun little thing. With ‘ByeByeBaby’, I had those intro chords which felt great and then I looped it and kept adding layers of different sounds till I eventually had enough to structure the song. It takes me a little while because I’ll take a break and come back to make sure I have fresh ears.

How long have you had your home studio set up and can you share some tips for other producers that would like to create a studio space?

My home studio is bare, and I usually work within my laptop. I’ve always had the mindset of working with what I’ve got. I wish I had the space for all the gear but I'm happy with a pair of speakers and virtual instruments. I think not being held back by outboard gear helps me get my ideas down quicker and I believe the first instinct is always the best one.

What are some things we can expect to see from you in 2023?

I’ve been working really hard over this past year to get a bunch of releases ready for 2023. So please expect a big release schedule from me. I’m very very excited for it!
