Can you tell us the story behind ‘Charade’?

Our song Charade came together at the last minute before heading into the studio to record it! During a writing session we decided to take a break from the other tracks we were working on and try something new and the whole song came together in a single afternoon. Lyrically, we wanted to write something based on Scott Pilgrim, and going off some lyrics Josh had prepared we eventually came up with the idea to write from the perspective of character Knives Chau, Scott Pilgrim’s ex-girlfriend.

We’re aware there is some diversity in this band. What are your backgrounds? 

Both Josh and Heath come from an ethnic background - Josh is Georgian and Heath is Syrian. On top of that, on the topic of diversity, Gabrielle identifies as pansexual, so across the band there’s a fair share of diversity and representation.

Two singles in, and you’ve made your pop culture influences clear. Do you agree that you should always be able to share and borrow art and ideas?

It’s always our mission to write the most original music that we can, but we have a wide array of influences and passions that we want to incorporate into our music, which extends into pop culture, and so for us it’s important to wear those influences on our sleeves.

What messages do you hope to tell your audience through your music?

A common theme across our songs is the idea of self-acceptance and standing up for yourself, whether that’s for your dreams or against those who would bring you down, so if there was a message we wanted to communicate to our audience, it’s exactly that - believe in yourself and your values. 

You’re yet to play a live show since your inception (thanks covid), but what do you want fans to take away from a Bellwether show?

The number one thing we want fans to take away from a Bellwether show (and we say this completely unironically) is good vibes only! We just want to put on a fun entertaining show that’s exciting and gets the crowd involved as much as possible!

Are there any places you’d love to travel to and perform in once international borders open?

Japan, without a doubt. We all want to go there outside of a music context to simply visit and explore the country, then add on top of that the love some of us have for J-Pop/Rock music, it’s easily our number 1 destination.

‘Shortsighted’ was a fantastic debut, and now there’s more to the story with ‘Charade’. Can you tease us any plans for 2022? We’re excited to see what becomes of this exciting new band!

We’ve started lining up some killer shows and have some more releases up our sleeves which we’re excited to show off once they’re ready, but until then, you’ll just have to wait and see!


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