A Quick Chat With Cedarsmoke
Brisbane-based band Cedarsmoke released a new track called 'Go Easy' on March 31. The song is a folk-rock ballad with a literary twist, featuring the narrative-driven lyrical style of singer-songwriter Jon Cloumassis. Each verse of the song explores a familiar literary character facing a seemingly impossible challenge, woven together by a common thread and a touch of humour. The chorus encourages listeners to be gentle with themselves and others and showcases Cloumassis' distinctive vocals and charming metaphors, drawing comparisons to Leonard Cohen and Augie March. We caught up with Cloumassis to find out more about the track, his influences and more.
Can you tell us what this track means to you and what you want people to take away from it?
To me, this track is about cutting yourself and others some slack. Life is hard and it’s important to slow down sometimes. Having said that, difficult journeys are character building and the characters in this song are a testament to that.
Who are some of your influences and why?
Some of my influences are Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Glenn Richards, Gareth Liddiard, Conor Oberst and Nick Cave. I’m drawn to these types of songwriters because they are excellent songsmiths that write dense and interesting lyrics that hold your attention and endure. I also love how they traverse across different genres. While they always have well-crafted songs, they often experiment with instrumentation and genre from song-to-song and album-to-album.
What's the creative process for you, from writing through to recording?
I usually begin with a phrase or line then work on the melody and chords on the piano or acoustic guitar until the music is fleshed out. Lyrics take a lot of time for me and I usually write many drafts and do a lot of editing until they’re complete. I then record a home demo on GarageBand to dress it up and get an idea of how I want to record it before booking studio time.
What do you think makes a great song?
I think a great song is relatable, has a universal theme and stands the test of time. Strong melodies and lyrics make a song. The rest is embellishment. Those things definitely add to songs, but I think great songs sound good adorned or bare.
If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?
This is hard to choose, but I think I would go with the team of Nick Cave & Warren Ellis. As well as their brilliant albums, I love their film scoring and the way they’re able to create songs and albums that sound cinematic.
When not working on music, what other creative outlet/s do you have?
In addition to songwriting, my other creative outlet is writing short stories. I think it comes from a similar impulse to songwriting and a love of words.
Who are some local bands we should check out?
There are so many, but I would highly recommend these: Renovator’s Delight, Mermaid Avenue, Terra Pines, The Double Happiness, Full Power Happy Hour.
Winter or summer and why?
Winter for sure. Years of rehearsing in garages through the summer have really made me appreciate the cooler months.
What else do you have planned for 2023?
Much more music to come. I spent a lot of time recording in 2022 so looking forward to releasing it all this year. Will play some shows throughout the year as well.
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