A Quick Chat with Crank Williams & Patsy Decline

Crank Williams - you and your musical sidekick Patsy Decline have created a concept album in your new release, Until We Darken Your Doorstep.  Featuring songs that cover everything from stories of “murder, betrayal, love won, love lost and love on the run”, tell us where the inspiration came from for such a project.

Well the two of us are fans of concept albums, spaghetti western soundtracks and just about any piece of music that tells a tale and sends the listener on a journey. A move to Darwin in 2016 allowed the two of us to focus on creating a sound that would go on to define what would be become the debut album. 

The song "Joni Mitchell" was recorded in Darwin and featured on the compilation album "Take me to town" released through Stanley records. This song would later be remixed and added onto this album. 

Fast forward three years and a move to Ballarat, the discovery of a vintage reel to reel tape machine in a Maryborough antique store, a pandemic, multiple lockdowns and the creation of a home studio allowed us to put all these elements together to create this album.

The artwork for the album features the work of legendary artist Ben Brown.  How did that come about?

We are both massive fans of the Hellmenn and Ben's artwork and have both worked with him in the past on art projects and previous album cover art, so it was an obvious and necessary choice as we both firmly believed he would be the one to put the extremely important visual aspect to the concept of this album.

Word has it Patsy and yourself stepped into an Antiques store and stumbled across an old 70s reel-to-reel tape machine.  Once home, you pressed play and some old recordings appeared on the machine.  Where did the idea come from to include these original recordings onto the album, effectively becoming the glue between each song?   Were you intrigued to find out who were the original artists?  

From the moment the play button was pressed and the sounds of these three darkly beautiful voices filled the room, it was perfectly clear that we would have to share this with as many people as possible. Initially it was not clear if we would try to play behind the songs on the tape or preserve them and keep them in the original format. Once the songs were cued and added between the bones of the six main songs it was crystal clear that there would be very little manipulation of these recordings as they were perfect the way they were. 

We are both extremely keen to find out the identity of the voices on the tape machine, and have plans to track the singers down if at all possible.

If this is not possible, I guess it only adds to the intrigue! 

Crank, you’ve played in some of Sydney’s best live acts such as Deadwood 76, Dunhill Blues and Spurs For Jesus, tell us what we can expect from the Crank Williams/Patsy Decline live set up.

We both initially performed as a duo, then formed a full band in Darwin, that recorded the song Joni Mitchell.

After moving to Ballarat, we slowly over time and lockdown after lockdown formed a full band. The band playing on this tour is Ben Mountford on drums and Pip McMullan on bass.

Ben has played with bands the Fuzz and Abbe May amongst many more.

Pip plays with Plastic section, the Blowers, and Wrong turn has jumped onto the tour to add some tough low end thump to Ben's killer drumming.

There may even be the odd surprise addition from people that performed on the album! 

Will there be a second album release for Crank Williams & Patsy Decline?

Absolutely! Crank has built up a boutique recording studio in Ballarat, and the bed tracks are already being recorded for the next album………stay tuned, this album will be taking us in a different direction! 

You’re both playing the following shows… can we expect more on the live front from you both?

We are very excited with this album and excited to take it to every corner of the globe if possible. 

The road goes on forever and the party never ends! 

Catch Crank Williams & Patsy Decline launching their debut album Until We Darken Your Doorstep (Stanley Records), on the following dates:

Friday January 13 – Moshpit, Newtown NSW
Saturday January 14 – Link & Pin, Woy Woy NSW
Sunday January 15 – Junkyard, Maitland NSW
Tuesday January 17 – Tamworth Hotel, Tamworth NSW
