A quick chat with Danii


On your Instagram you’ve posted a photo of yourself with the caption “Just call me Korona Kardashian” – what would you do if you really were Korona, the seventh Kardashian sibling, just for one day?
Haha I stole that caption from a drag queen! Never did I think that my music career would be related to the Kardashians hahaha I have no idea!! Hmmm I guess I would probably just mingle with Kanye and his music crowd. Network like crazy! It would be a missed opportunity if I didn't really.

You’re a visual artist, dancer, and singer-songwriter – do you portray the same messages throughout your different mediums?
I like to think so. My whole aesthetic stems from the basis of empowerment regardless of your background, heritage, gender or financial status etc But at the same time, I also want my audience to take from it what they will and find their own interpretation and adapt it to themselves.

How is female empowerment a driving force in your creativity?
It is a driving force in my life because I identify as female. But I think it actually comes from a place of striving for equality. I am a 31 year old independent artist, a POC female who lives with a disability. That is not someone that is strongly represented in the media. I have never wanted to be treated differently because of how I identify, whether that is by choice or not. And I want the same for everyone else. Because at the end of the day we all die the same.

What is your favourite performance experience you’ve had, and why?
I haven't had many since the birth of DANII as an artist. But to date I would have to say it was filming my upcoming music video 'What You Want'. I had full control of the storyline and my vision and it came together so effortlessly. I had the dream team! And that very much is a performance for me. Live though? Hopefully the future one will be my favourite ;)

What is the best concert you’ve ever been to, and why?
Probably Disturbed. I remember being in awe of how perfect his voice was live and how anyone could sound almost exactly like his recording.

Did you pick up any new, interesting skills during Queensland’s lockdown?
Eating and gaining 'Rona Rolls' 😂😂 Actually I have just started guitar lessons! I've only ever been self taught so I figured it was about time I learn properly. Look out Dave Navarro I'm coming for your gig!

How do you decide what to write your songs about?
I cannot write if I am happy because when I am, I just want to see my friends! I'm inspired by my heavy moods. And because I have a particular knack for picking quality men (sic), it usually starts there haha.

Has your song-writing practice changed over time? How?
Much like my thought process it's a bit all over the shop. I cannot stick to one way of doing things because I will get bored easily. The last few singles I went in with one idea, but the song told me to go in a different direction. I'm a natural born rule breaker lol

What’s been your favourite music release of the year?
Qveen Herby just keeps pumping out hit after hit after hit! I love that she knows who she is and is unapologetically herself. She recently brought out 'The Show' and that has to be my favourite of the year.

What was your experience in coming out publicly about your disability?
I gave myself no expectations and it couldn't have been better! People were so kind and supportive and inspired. Eventually things went back to normal and we all went about our day. Which I feel is the perfect example of how much we hype ourselves up over something that is a big deal for us personally, but is so trivial to others. I didn't want to make a big deal about it either. But more and more people are discovering me so the timing seemed right. I didn't want someone with a disability to discover me and think that I was trying to hide my disability. Instead I want to inspire them to go "well damn if Danii can do it and put herself out there, then so can I!"

What has your experience been with existing at the intersection of musician, woman, person of colour with a disability?
So far so good! I can feel that people are inspired that I want to defy the odds. I think there is an expectation that someone with that kind of an intersection should be vulnerable, sweet, timid and wholesome. And whilst I can be all of those things, I can also be a bad bitch! I wear all of my badges with pride!

Where would you want to travel to first once borders are open?
Legit anywhere hahaha! Honestly though probably Victoria to see my sisters and nephews!
