‘Spines’ is a vivid offering of illuminating alt-pop, can you tell us a bit about the song?

‘Spines’ is ultimately about having a crush on a mate but not realising until it is too late. 

You’ve had a prosperous string of live shows since last year, what’s been your favourite memory from the stage?

At my last show a member of the audience yelled out “you guys fkn rock” and I genuinely looked up and said, “was that my dad?” and it felt like I was a stand-up comedian...?? Yeah, my band and I have had some great opportunities so far and are keen to support more artists as we grow our set. We have supported Pacific Avenue, Miramar and Dande and the Lion and are set to support Pearl and Ivey/Iluka on upcoming shows. 

How would you describe your music in a haiku?

Vulnerable lyrics

Dark, edgy, self reflective

Upbeat sad gal pop

Is there anything you’d like to change or inspire within the Australian music industry?

To be honest, I don’t think I know enough yet about the industry to comment. I guess so far, I would make everything a little less confusing surrounding artist’s rights and make like a how to get started pack for artists because it can be super challenging. 

When not doing music, what are your other creative outlets and how do they help clear your head?

Music is my creative outlet. Watching my favourite TV shows on repeat makes me feel calm, I guess.