A Quick Chat with Driftwood

Can you tell me a bit about your inspiration for ‘3AM’

Inspiration for 3AM was the concept that I am in my own world.

I think I’ve become less concerned with a lot of material things as I get more and more

Off the cliff with my creative work over this life. Its about having very tempting things in your

Current environment but still being slightly disconnected. Its about knowing better but

Still ending up in a dive bar at 3am or just lost on the town.

What are your influences and how do they affect your songwriting?

My influence are mostly life - friends - people I meet things I observe or experience in real time.

I am a full time creative so every day I mostly digest information from this perspective. The most creative decisions I make usually come from a very simple common life inflection of moment that I experience.

What’s the creative process like for you?

I usually start working on the music first. It could be a melody or just a nice melody that jumps into my mind.

Om forever making voice notes and taking photos. I also have a super 8 camera and shoot a lot on that and a few other cameras. I digest a lot of images and look across a lot of different scopes from minimalism to design to architecture to engineering to calligraphy and try and understand what I like and unpack why and what about it I like.

If you could change something about the Australian music industry what would change?

Maybe I shouldn’t answer this haha… ah stuff it I’m probably already cancelled anyway hahaha

I think the Australian scene is such a unique beautiful scene with great pockets of amazing people pushing it forward - Id just recommend getting out into the world out and understanding how much is going on out there.
I’d love to See people who have a real understanding of New wave creative aesthetics really tap and bring that energy to the front.

What do you think life would be like for you if you didn’t have music/visual art as an outlet?

I dont know haha Id hate to think - I think creativity has giving me a way to make sense of myself and my energy. Its definitely saved me from going down the wrong roads and helped me devote time and passion into something I love and can see brings beauty to others also. I think being an artist is a noble craft.

Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with?

Yea too many - Fred again, Frank Ocean, Digga D, Leon Smit, Sam Cooke, The Temptations, Prince

What’s your advice to young people who want to make a career for themselves in the industry?

Work hard, focus on the craft. Focus on the art. Connect with people, present the art as much as you can to the best of your ability.

Who’s the most interesting person you’ve worked with/met?

Mmm thats so difficult. I know some very interesting people that blow my mind continually. I can’t limit that

Down to one. Ive got friends that range from the streets to the libraries to business to the most mundane of careers and they are special and I’ve learnt a lot from them in some way. I know some wild mfuckers hahaha

Favourite hangover cure?

If I can get to the ocean that’s the answer.

Otherwise usually some vitamin drink lots of Gatorade those little honey cracker biscuit things you can only find at certain convenient stores lol backed up with the craziest meal I can find and a solid sleep.

Any plans for a tour on the cards?

Im currently on a run of shows 7 shows in 6 days through the UK and then heading back to the US to record and will be looking at a larger tour later in the year!