A Quick Chat With Euan Hart
Can you tell me a bit about your latest single ‘145’?
It’s about anxiety, pretty much and a touch of existential angst. I was just starting back at uni and had a lot of anxiety around why I was there, why everyone was there. I felt a little strange about how these marks were determined by people that had simply done the same thing I was doing, but for a longer period of time.
When you aren’t writing music, what are you doing?
I have recently picked up surfing, this isn’t a cool brag, I suck. But it is really nice to get out once a week completely away from people and things and do something active and fun. It’s hilarious to me that it looks cool and intimidating but when you stand up you feel like a little kid.
CD’s or Vinyls?
CD’s all the way, I can’t afford vinyls are you kidding me??
I have a bad bad habit of going into op-shops on pay day and buying every CD that has an interesting or funny album cover, or some pop artist that I haven’t given the time to listen to, and spending a fortune on them. I pick them up at 1 or 2 dollars a pop thinking its a bargain. It is a bargain, until you load up 40 of them.
Sometimes I buy records, I usually buy them for friends if they’ve got a funny album cover. I love album covers, I find the vanity in some of them insane, especially ones from the early n90s and 80s. My favorite album cover is the H20 album cover from Hall and Oates, just a closeup of sweaty skin. So epic.
Where do you hope to see yourself in 5 years?
On the cover of vogue.
No but seriously, I’d love to have a couple of albums out, blending folk, indie, pop, 80s pop, rock etc. etc. and I hope people love and listen to them. I really want to have written some nice funny and emotional stories that people can connect with seriously and comedically, and I cannot wait to meet many more talented musicians and individuals.
If you want numbers? I want to be able to play in front of 5 university professors and have them take notes on each song.
What is your all time favourite album to date?
HMMMMMM… that is a very hard one because I’ve gone through so many that I’ve over-listened to. But, I could maybe say in the last 5 years it has to be Blake Mills’ self-titled album or Harry Nilsson's ‘ A Touch of Schmilsson in the Night’ .
If you could tour anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Ooooo, America I reckon would be very interesting, you’d see such a shift in outlooks and opinions in different states and cities, so I think that would be a wigout.
I think South America would be amazing, beaches, great parties, and epic food.
One thing you couldn’t live without?
What has been your favourite memory since becoming a musician?
Simply hearing people saying they have been listening to and love the songs. It means so much to me when people genuinely know the songs and tell you a specific compliment / sound they like. Never gets old.
Do you have a weird obsession? What is it?
Cheese. Eating it, of course.
What’s next for Euan Hart?
Another single and EP!
Then more videos, photos and heaps of music. We’ve got heaps of shows coming up including one at OAF Gallery on 4th August before I go away for a couple of months.
Then many, many more. Please come, you won’t regret it.