A quick chat with FANGZ

1: This is a fantastic release! Can you tell us about the song’s main statement?

At the time we wrote this song, there was a lot happening in the world as George Floyd had just been murdered.  I kept hearing friends say, “I don’t see colour,” or, “The system is broken”.  I was trying to explain the system is working exactly as it was designed and hearing my friends say they don’t see colour made me feel they ignore that part of my identity to make themselves more comfortable. 
So, when I initially started working on the lyrics with Josh in the studio it was about perspective but the deeper, we talked and went back and forth we started to think about how much the media shapes a person’s opinion.  From there we went further and started thinking about how one person controls 90% of the media we consume.  The use of language in the news, the agenda being pushed and the more you delve in the more you kind of understand why people find it easy to say, “I don’t see colour”. 

The final meaning of this song is based off the Malcom X quote:
“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” 

2: You’re known for your emphatic all-inclusive live shows. What’s been the best highlight of your live career so far?
Every show is a highlight. I’m not even joking.  The last tour I think we had the most first-time crowd surfers and seeing that filled me with joy.

3: You’ve written and produced all your releases with Stevie Knight – how important has he been to the whole song writing process?

Stevie is a friend I’d go to for all of life’s problems. He’s someone I’ve been going to for advice for years.  Pretty cool to have one of your best mates as one of the best producers around – right?
Stevie brings so much to the sound and recordings.  I think heaps of musicians forget how the songs started before the studio and how much producers add.  Whenever we get our masters back, I always go back and listen to the original demos and every time I do that I think, “I love Stevie.”

4: Being such a driving force in the Sydney music scene, what are some of your values, as a band, and as individuals?
As a band we just want to create a sense of community.  We want people to be able to come to a show alone and feel safe and included.  We want people to have the ability to leave feeling like they have a place to belong, because music has literally given us a place to belong.  


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