A quick chat with Girl and Girl
Can you tell me a bit about your single ‘Dance Now’?
Coby, our #exbassist brought the riff to a jam one day, and everyone was really bloody excited about it, it felt infectious and like it’d build really well. I (Kai) wrote the rest of the track with him, and it turned into this big passionate celebration of love. I wrote my lyrics about my girlfriend at the time, and he wrote his about his girlfriend.
What are your go-to moves on the d-floor?
I lock my arms up parallel against my chest and sway, like a sardine. Space permitting, I'll add karate chops and sharp 45 degree angle turns.
Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with? Why?
I’d like to do stuff with Andrew Bird, but I think the whole experience would be too much. His immense musical talent would likely intimidate me into quitting music.
What are your three favourite albums of all time?
Ants from up there - Black Country New Road
Neon Bible - Arcade Fire
This is Happening - LCD Soundsystem
If you could change something about the Australian music industry, what would it be?
It’d be great to see some lineup diversification for a lot of the large scale music festivals in Aus, a lot of it feels very rinse and repeat.
What show are you binging at the moment?
I’ve just restarted parks and rec for maybe the 3rd time. Mainly because I'm a 21st century boy and can’t sleep without the television on.
Do you have a weird obsession? What is it?
I’m farming stick insects in my bedroom. Currently waiting on like 20 eggs to hatch, if you want to buy one, real cheap, hit me up.
What has been your greatest career highlight so far?
Our east coast tour supporting Floodlights presented by jet black cat music was one of the best weekends of our lives. We followed them up and down the coast, playing to sold out crowds in beautifully unique venues. And then the tour finished on my birthday and we all went surfing in noosa, it was a bloody dream.
If you could have any three people over for dinner, dead or alive, who would they be and why?
Well, Andrew Bird, so he can whistle for us, Tom Cruise and my dad, because I'm afraid they're the same person, so I'd like to see them in the same room together.
What’s next for Girl and Girl?
More Music! More shows! Our next single is out in August, which also comes from our sophomore EP ‘Divorce’. The EP is out in September, and then we’re planning a HUGE tour for September October.