What are the main themes and elements behind ‘DELOREAN’?

A line I like to return to in the song several times is “free the family”, which is referring to not just the music industry but everyone who was affected by COVID. I liked to think of us as a big family because we were all struck down together, stuck ‘isolated in the same house’ so to speak.

Do you have any cultural backgrounds?

Half of Nevenko’s family are from Croatia, and it’s been pretty funny having problems with people trying to pronounce my name right all my life, so peeps just call him Nev.

What do you hope new fans take away from this new offering of yours?

I hope people can relate to this song and reflect on the past few years not in sadness, but in happy satisfaction that we got through it. We also want to start showing our personalities more and we feel as though DELOREAN is a strong start.

For your upcoming tour with Circles, Future Static and The Omnific, what can a live audience expect from your performances?

As much as this sounds pretentious, we really want to take the audience on an audio-visual journey where they can truly feel immersed and share a special moment with us every night on the tour. Also, we want to get everyone pumped for the incredible artists that follow!

What’s the greatest or funniest way your band name has been mistaken?

We got a message a while back from someone roughly in their late 50s from Texas, asking us when seasons 14 and 15 were coming to Netflix. We had no idea how to respond but to politely inform them that they had the wrong page. They then let us know that they meant ‘Heartland’, and immediately repeated the question “When is season 14 and 15 of Heartland coming to Netflix?”
