A Quick Chat with High Tropics

Congratulations on the release of ‘Girlfriends’! How does it feel now the track is out?
Thank you! Feeling good, I had this one up the sleeve for a little bit but it’s good to put it out and keep things moving. 

Can you tell us a bit behind the track and what it’s about? 

It’s a down-and-out love song, but its happy and summery if that makes any sense? It’s a little pick-me up for anyone feeling down on their luck.

How was the creative process while you were writing ‘Girlfriends’?

The creative process for 99% of my songs is usually similar these days. I write it as I record/demo and then build from there piece by piece, kinda like putting a puzzle together. Sometimes I’ll put the demo’s out as the official release but every now and then if I think a song has promise, I’ll go the extra mile and get some session overdubs done and outsource the mixing, which was the case for this song. Special mention to Dylan Wissing, Rhys Fox and Jay Stapley for their epic performances, and to Steven Schram for the mix.

You have seen an impressive amount of support from your previous releases, what has been the standout moment for you in terms of that support and/or any other achievements as an artist?

I think hands down one of the most impactful moments of my musical career was signing to Indiemono. To have a team that genuinely cares about me the way they do is pretty rare to find, that’s something I’ll be forever grateful for. 

Another stand out moment for me was selling out my first NFT collection on Sound Xyz. It was just so freeing to have another avenue to release my music without being at the mercy of algorithms, and to be able to instantly recognise and speak to people who dig it.

Outside of that, definitely when we got to perform in Seoul, South Korea for project aloft star. Sometimes I still wonder if that was a dream or not. I also still get a huge buzz whenever I see a track of mine get added to a big editorial playlist or played on triple j. Stuff like that never gets old.

You’ve got a few live shows coming up in Queensland. What can fans expect to see from one of High Tropic’s live shows? 

Expect to hear all the classics and a bunch of unreleased tracks. Also expect to hear me shilling the dwindling supply of the limited-edition HT merch, so bring your money.

Now that ‘Girlfriends’ is out – what is the next plan for 2023? 

If everything goes to plan, hopefully we get into SXSW Syd and if so, I’d like to have the album ready to coincide with that, but if I’m being completely honest, I am just taking this whole journey one day at a time. The only thing I can promise though is that there will be more music. 
Thanks for the chat <3
