A Quick Chat with Holly Hebe

Ruby is such a personal and evocative title for your new EP.
Can you share the inspiration behind this project and how the name "Ruby" ties into the overall theme of the songs?

I’ve always had a connection to the word Ruby- First and foremost it is the name of my childhood dog, who is getting really old now. ‘If You Were A Person (Ruby’s Song)’ is written about her from the perspective of what I think it would be like if she was a human. I also used to wear this Ruby red ring when I was younger, I'm pretty sure it was a gift from my Nanna a long time ago. It was just a kids' jewelry ring, but I loved it so much. I vividly remember losing it one day playing hide and seek on the farm and this memory has stuck with me ever since. It’s such a bittersweet memory, which is definitely a throughline emotion in the EP. 

If You Were A Person (Ruby's Song) feels like a deeply emotional track.
What was your creative process like for writing this song?

I wrote this one night sitting in my bed with my guitar. I usually write on piano, but that night I just felt like having a play before bed and this song was the result of that. I definitely cried quite a bit writing it, especially the end verse. I live quite far away from my family, and my beautiful family dog, Ruby, and I was missing them a lot at the time, these lyrics came from childhood memories and the pain of nostalgia. The song came together pretty quickly, I had a few alternative verses that didn't end up making the final version. There’s something so healing and comforting about writing while sitting in bed under a lamp light. 

Who were some of your influences while working on Ruby?

I was listening to a lot of Phoebe Go at the time- especially her song Be the Player, Not the Poet. I just love how vulnerable and close up her vocals sit in, all of her songs are so good.I also took inspiration from artists like Leith Ross, Lizzy McAlpine and Searows, particularly for the production of Ruby. I loved the intimate vocals, soft guitar layers and foley sounds- definitely elements that I explored in my own production.  

As an artist, you’ve carved out your own identity in a crowded space.
What role models or mentors have had the biggest impact on your journey, both musically and personally?

There have been so many important people along my journey so far. I seriously feel so grateful for everyone who has helped me/ given advice. When I was in my final year of uni in 2023, I was so lucky to have Elle Graham (Woodes) as my mentor. I look up to her so much as a powerhouse female producer, songwriter and artist in the industry. She has been pivotal in helping me work through imposter syndrome, and has helped me find a new confidence in my writing as I feel my way through the industry. Post uni we are still in contact here and there, and i'm so grateful for her guidance. 

In terms of my close team, I am so lucky to have my manager Jordan from Ivy Music Group by my side with everything. We started working together when we were both starting out, and we have been on the ride ever since, both growing alongside each other. He has made such a great family within Ivy Music Group and I'm so grateful to be a part of it. My booking agent Kim is also amazing, i remember last year, we had a meeting with her in Sydney and I was so worried I wasn't doing enough for her, or not working hard enough. She sat me down and simply said ‘we’ll get there’ in the most comforting way and that has stuck with me ever since. She reminded me that it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and she is always so positive. 

In 2023, I started working with Edvard Hakansson in the studio and he has really helped me find my sound. He has given me the space to be a producer, whilst being able to learn off him and his experience. We have so much fun in the studio and the sparkle he adds has really taken my sound to a new place. 

Looking ahead, what can fans expect from you in the near future?
Are there any upcoming projects, collaborations, or live performances you're excited to share with us?

Im very excited to be heading on tour to celebrate the release of Ruby! We have shows in Melbourne, Sydney, Newcastle and Manly coming up in October. I’m also pumped to be playing NYE on the Hill again this year with the band, it’s going to be so much fun. 

In terms of music, we have some things in the works for the end of year- i’m excited to share this with everyone, it’s a project that dives into new spaces musically for me, and it has been so much fun to work on, so stay tuned! 

What advice would you give to emerging artists who are trying to find their unique voice and navigate the music industry

The biggest thing I have learnt this year is to find ways to make the whole process of being an artist something that is true to who you are, and fun. Making the music can become such a small part of it when you add on admin, social media, planning etc. Social media used to definitely feel like a chore at times, and I still have a complicated relationship with it, but I’ve been able to get creative with it this year and find ways to make it something that I enjoy. That would be the advice I'd give! If something isn't motivating or it feels like a chore, think of your strengths and what brings you joy, and try to incorporate it into the process.