Congrats on the release of ‘Get Up’! What new side of J Verse are you sharing with listeners through this new track?
I’m excited for the song! With my new track ‘Get Up’, I hope to show something closer to the sound that I want. As an artist, I know exactly where I want my career to go and the type of music I want to create, but there’s a lot of trial and error that comes with that. I’ve failed a lot and have made many different types of songs so I think this new side will be a next phase of my story and a step in the right direction. This is one of the more bouncy, fun tracks that hopefully can bring joy and get the listener moving.
What was the initial spark that got you started inpursuing music seriously?
It’s hard to pinpoint when exactly that spark was, but I will say I was blessed with knowing that this is the only thing I want to be; my mom used to put MTV on every day for me and my twin brother, so I’ve been singing since I was two. I would always sing at school and practice at home, also picking up a few instruments, but I would really say I started it into a career when I made my own music at 12. When I came to Australia four years ago, I found something unique to myself and the brand that really helped me get heard.
What kind of instruments do you play? Do they inform your stylistic direction or impact your song idea generation?
As of right now, I just play piano. I used to play bass, guitar, and the ukulele, but my main focus is piano. Piano helps me become a better artist. I’m learning more about scales and some theory so I can have more vocal options, and teaching myself how to play piano has helped me co-produce my songs rather than explaining what I want.
You’ve visited a lot of places and have only been living in Naarm/Melbourne for the last four years. Who are your favourite Aussie artists that you’ve discovered while here?
There’s a growing talent not only in Australia but in Melbourne; I’ve focussed on myself a lot and have kept my head down, but to name a few off the top of my head, Tec, Noxazamia, pania, Moses and Taktix. There are many more, but these artists came to mind, and they’re also great people in general.
When not working on music, what other creative outlets are you pursuing?
I’m trying to change that because, at the moment, I’m only studying and making music. However, I love boxing and would like to devote more time to that. Creatively, I would like to branch out across a lot of things in the future, but I’m focusing on what I can do now, simple things like merch and comics. In the future, I hope to create a hair brand, a clothing brand, and many more endeavours.
Where has been your favourite place to perform so far? What’s a venue you hope to play one day?
I have to say my first festival in Brisbane and Sydney was a favourite, it was also a full circle moment performing in the forum in Melbourne because I used to sing out there to celebrities. I dream of performing at the Yankee Stadium, Marvel Stadium and the O2 arena. I watched my first basketball game in Madison Square, so I’d love to perform there too.