How long has the idea of Make Your Own Noise been floating around in your head for?

Actually a little while! It started with a friend suggesting a podcast about 2 years ago and then the name came to me as a ‘shower thought’ (that is always where the best ideas happen hahah). I just didn’t know the exact angle I wanted to go for yet.

Was there any one key thing that finally pushed it into reality? Any key moment that made you feel ready to bring it to life?

I guess on a personal level there were a few big life changes that had happened for me in the past 6 months; those things really shifted some perspectives for me and made me realize the importance of your relationship with yourself and others. Through that transition and work I really built a great community around me that was the foundation I guess for the audience and people I wanted to connect with through this podcast.

How would you describe your key audience for the podcast? An “if this sounds like you” for folks who you feel might get something out of listening in?

I know the ‘tagline’ of the podcast is empowering creatives to find their voice and most of the examples I give in the podcast are around creative industries. But really this podcast is for anyone who to some extent wants to work for themselves or build something of their own. If you need some general motivation, someone to relate to about the vulnerabilities and challenges of working for yourself or just some general business, art and lifestyle insights through myself and the guests I plan to have on.

What are some big changes you’d like to see in the industry; some things that you hope the podcast can be a stepping stone towards?
Recognising that SO many great people in this industry work for themselves. That can be such a vulnerable and isolating feeling at times even when you are doing great things. I would love to see more sections of the varying creative industries building small communities amongst themselves and understand you are not in competition. A thriving industry benefits all. A thriving industry happens when you have productive, happy people. You have productive, happy people when they feel secure and supported.

Who are some people who inspire you to make YOUR own noise? 

Great question! From the music side of things, my main mentor Scott Horscroft at The Grove. His drive and passion to go after what he wants has taught me a lot. Rick Rubin is another amazing person who comes to mind, someone who has not only helped create so much incredible music but has phenomenal insights into the mind and spirit too.

What would a glimpse into your day-to-day life look like?

A typical day for me… Up nice and early about 5:30am, gratitude journal, a quick meditation and off to the gym or a run. Back for a nice cold shower (yes even in winter hahah). All of this is a non negotiable for me, it sets my day up and I hit the studio awake and buzzing.

Then I am either with a band or mixing from there. If I am with a band I tend to finish a little later so will just head home and to bed with a book (old man vibes I know) OR work on writing a podcast. If I am mixing I tend to knock off earlier and a few nights a week try to have dinner with friends and family. I try work less weekends now, but if I do it is usually some mixing in the morning followed by something with friends in the evening!

How does the creative process of working on Make Your Own Noise compare to your creative process when working on new music?

Great question! They differ in two key ways. With music we usually build a clear vision early and work towards it. With the podcast sometimes I just start with pen to paper and see what unfolds.

With music I am also more building something from the ground up, each layer I kind of understand it’s role and what it is doing and it is like building a house from the foundations up. With the podcast, when I think of a topic, it is more to get all my thoughts to paper in as flowing and uninhibited  way as possible first. I then shift through my notes to then build a structure from that. I guess an analogy would be throwing everything you have out in front of you and sorting it into a palatable structure!

What does the future of Make Your Own Noise look like to you? What would you like to see it grow to?

I really want the podcast to reach as many people as possible to start. But the big thing I want to see grow is engagement back from the listeners, what is resonating, what do they want to hear more of. It helps me learn too! Obviously getting fantastic guests on is also something I would love to see grow and I would also be really interested to see if I can host some workshops or events around this too.