A Quick Chat With Katie Reid

Emerging from the shadows with her latest moody indie track, Katie Reid is a Sydney-based indie singer-songwriter whose, ‘6 Feet Under’ is out now. Known for her captivating voice and atmospheric sound, Katie has lent her vocal talents to icons like Guy Sebastian and Christine Anu, and toured with Aussie favourites Joan & the Giants and Little Quirks. Her latest release offers a haunting yet hopeful journey through heartache, capturing the raw emotions of a breakup with her signature dreamy soft rock vibes. We caught up with her to find out more.

Can you tell us what this track means to you and what you want people to take away from it?

'6 Feet Under' is the song I'm most proud of. I really pushed myself to be more vulnerable in my songwriting, this song comes from that. I started writing the verses during the last few weeks of a tumultuous breakup. I was overwhelmed by all the confusing and conflicted feelings I was having so I couldn't figure out the chorus. It wasn't until the relationship was over that I could start writing the chorus and tying the song together. I was in a lot of pain, but I wanted to make something hopeful and uplifting.

Honestly, I am SO sorry if people relate to the song! Heartbreak is one of the most agonising experiences. Still, when people hear '6 Feet Under' I hope they feel a sense of clarity and resolve towards the person who hurt them.

Who are some of your influences, and why?

I was obsessed with Lady Gaga as an awkward tween. Her music gave me a safe space to explore my creativity, queer identity and understand artistry as a concept. Her music introduced me to a love of glam rockers like David Bowie, Freddie Mercury and Elton John. Lady Gaga was always original and honoured her artistic vision. She inspired me to do the same.

I am also all about the indie-pop girlies. Maggie Rogers, HAIM, Holly Humberstone, Lorde, and MUNA have all shaped my sound and how I write music.

What's your creative process like, from writing through to recording?

I always start with the music. I'm a classically trained pianist, so I love writing instrumental piano pieces and creating my melodies on an instrument. I have a journal where I write little poems over the music, and then work the lyrics into melodies. 

With '6 Feet Under' I actually started writing it on my ukulele. I couldn't stop playing this arpeggiated chord progression, which I translated to guitar and kept on the track! It sounds cliche, but the lyrics poured out of me for this song. I really hadn't processed my breakup, so writing this song helped me to do that.

I was so lucky to work with Jack Nigro from Sonora Studies on this song. He really understood the project and helped breathe life into my little ukulele demo. We played all of the instruments on the track together and had an absolute ball making it! I hope that comes across when people listen to it.

What do you think makes a great song?

For me, a great song makes you feel something.  Whether it's a Charli XCX party anthem that makes you want to grab your friends and get sweaty on the dance floor or something heartbreakingly beautiful like Joni Mitchell's 'Both Sides Now'  - if it brings out a strong emotional response, then I know an artist has made something special.

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

The dream collaboration for me is Lana Del Rey. I discovered Lana on Tumblr as an angsty teenager (classic), and ever since then I still think of her as one of the best storytellers in the industry. The way she weaves melodies and lyrics together is so clever. I think I would simply pass away if I ever had the privilege to watch her work , let alone collaborate with her!

When not working on music, what other creative outlet/s do you have?

I love getting stuck into an arty little project. Recently, I've been learning how to embroider. It's time-consuming but very therapeutic!

I also love to paint when I'm facing writer's block. It helps me get out of my head and reminds me that my creativity is still there.

Who are some local bands we should check out?

It's so hard to only pick a few! I'm so spoiled for choice with the amount of incredible bands and artists we have here in Sydney. Some of my favourites at the moment are:

Barley Passable - @barleypassable

PEP TALK - @thisispeptalk

Betty - @betty.com.au

YAGKI - @iamyagki

Ally George - @allyisgeorge

Winter or summer and why?

Oh summer, 100%. There's literally nothing better than a Sunday spent at the beach, followed by a cute little aperol spritz with your friends - the sunshine just makes everything better (my pale sun-burn prone Scottish skin does not agree, but whatever!)

What else do you have planned for 2024?

Lots of super fun shows! If people are free you should come check them out!

25/10/24: supporting PEP TALK at Vic on the Park

26/10/24: playing a solo set at Oktoberfest 2024

1/11/24: my single launch for '6 Feet Under' at Butcher's Brew Bar

I'm also going to be jumping back in the studio in early 2025, so stay tuned!

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