Adelaide/Tarndanya-based bubblegum emo act, Killed by Cupid, has just released their debut EP ‘The Sickly Sweet’. Since coming out of nowhere in July, Killed By Cupid has released a concoction of hyperpop, pop-punk and 2000’s alt-pop. This bittersweet EP touches on hits that nostalgic emo itch while being something of this time harnessing 808 bass lines, electro-pop synths and elements of cloud rap. We caught up with Jesse Cumes’ to chat about the EP, Killed By Cupid’s influences and more. ‘The Sickly Sweet’ EP is out now.  

Can you tell us about the debut EP and what you want people to take away from it?

This EP kind of details a period in my life where I was recovering from a breakup and struggling a lot with my mental health. I wanted to take all this negativity I was feeling at the time and turn it into something positive and productive which eventually turned into this EP, hopefully people enjoy it and find something they can relate to in it.

Who are some of your influences and why?

One of my main influences are Say Anything, 

I’ve always loved the lyricism in their songs and their ability to change up their sound from album to album. I’m also a huge fan of acts like Waterparks, Lil Aaron and phem who are part of the newer emo/alternative scene that have more electronic and modern sound elements involved.

What's the creative process for you, from writing through to recording?

I often like to record as I’m writing the song as it gives me the opportunity to get all my ideas down while I’m coming up with them. That way I get to experiment with things and change things up as I go which I find to be the most fun and exciting way for me to write/record. 

What do you think makes a great song?

I think what makes a great song is less about skill or technical proficiency but more so about whether or not the listener is impacted by it emotionally. I think any song that makes you feel something is a great song. 

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

Definitely Max Bemis of Say Anything, he’s been my idol since I was 13 and to work on a track with him would blow my mind.

When not working on music, what other creative outlet/s do you have?

I like drawing a lot and graphic design, those are probably the first creative outlets I was drawn to before I started making music.

Who are some local bands we should check out?

My brothers band Wolf & Chain are a sick emo band. I’m also a big fan of NO NO NO NO NO, Down and Out and Clover but there’s so many awesome bands in the local scene here in Adelaide.

Winter or summer and why?

Summer. My lanky frame was not built for the cold, I end up spending most of winter hibernating indoors.

What else do you have planned for the year?

I’ll hopefully be getting a few more shows in and I’ll also be working on a bunch of new content to start releasing after this EP!
