A Quick Chat with LASHES

Can you tell me a bit about your single ‘I Can See The End’?

I Can See The End is about the early stages of liking someone and how unsettling it can feel.

I find it really hard to enjoy the 'crushy' phase. I'm filled with frantic energy and act like a weird version of myself. I'm hyper-aware of their presence and read into our interactions (to later decipher with my friends instead of just asking).

What was it like working with Lakelend, how did the collaboration come about?

The feature happened organically, I was part of Lakelend's debut show and since then we became good friends, we bonded over our love of Chase Atlantic, and our similar relationship experiences. We had so much fun in the studio recording Lakelend's verse - his buttery-bravado fit perfectly with the vibe of the song.

What are your influences and how do they affect your songwriting?

My influences change daily, it’s usually whatever artists I’ve discovered that week. I like emotive, lyrically dense stuff but also experimental music like Mura Masa and Aphex Twin. I guess whatever I’m listening to week by week affects my mood and influences which stories I choose to tell.

What is your favourite instrument / equipment piece?

My favourite instrument is the drums - it was the first instrument I was drawn to as a child and the first thing I gravitate towards in songs. I have an electric drum kit that I play from time to time. My favourite piece of equipment would honestly be my voice notes function on my phone. It captures most of the song ideas that pop into my head at the most inconvenient moments.

CD’s or vinyl?

CD’s - I just can’t get around having to flip the vinyl over mid-record.

If you could change something about the Australian music industry, what would it be?

The reach. International recognition is harder for us here. I feel like our success can be limited as we are in a bit of an industry bubble away from the rest of the world. It’s slowly changing, but we are nothing like the monster music-machine that is the USA..(maybe that's a good thing - we are smaller but close knit).

Which Hogwarts house would you be sorted into?

OMG! This is my favourite question. I definitely want to say Gryffindor but I must confess I am a Gryffindor-Slytherin hybrid. 

Do you have any weird talents?

I can eat so so fast! I think that if I wasn’t doing music I’d enter myself into eating competitions or start a mukbung channel on youtube.

Who was your first celebrity crush?

Zac Hanson!! I would still yell this from the rooftops.

Who are your top artists on Spotify for this month?

Tove Lo, The Knocks, Vegyn, Miguel, Phoebe Go.

If you could have any three people over for dinner, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Just Zac Hanson so I could confess my undying love.

What’s next for LASHES?

More shows! I have an EP in the works and am playing my first festival ‘Spilt Milk’ in December which is crazy! I’m excited for what's to come :)