A Quick Chat with LAU

Congratulations on your latest single! What inspired you to write ‘Devil I Know’ and what do you hope fans take away from it? 

‘Devil I Know’ was inspired by that feeling of being stuck in a toxic situation but preferring the familiar pain over the unknown. It’s about acknowledging that we sometimes choose what’s familiar, even if it’s not good for us. 

How would you describe the vibe of ‘Devil I Know’ and how was the collaboration with your producer on the track?

The vibe of ‘Devil I Know’ is intense and raw, blending dark pop with an electric energy. I wanted it to capture the conflicting emotions of wanting to escape but feeling trapped. The collaboration with my producer was incredible—we were both aligned on bringing that emotional depth while keeping the production sharp and energetic. It was a great partnership that brought the vision to life.

Can you share a bit more about the phrase "the devil I know”? What does it mean to you, and how does it reflect your own experiences with love?

The phrase “the devil I know” speaks to the comfort we can sometimes find in the pain or chaos we’re used to. For me, it reflects personal experiences where it felt safer to stay in the dysfunction than face the uncertainty of something new. I know I get stuck with this a lot and it’s sooo not healthy lol.

Your single ‘INMYHEAD’ really took off on TikTok! What was that experience like for you, and what do you think people love about the song?

The success of *INMYHEAD* on TikTok was wild! It felt like it just took off overnight, and the reaction from people really blew me away. I think what people love about it is its relatability—and others hated it for how honest it was. It taps into that inner dialogue we all have, and I think the hook really sticks with people. 

Growing up in rural Australia must have given you a unique perspective. How do you think that background influences your music and your approach as an artist?
Growing up in rural Australia definitely gave me a unique perspective. It made me more self-reliant and gave me the space to dream big, even if it sometimes felt far away. I think that sense of independence and grit comes through in my music. It’s also influenced my approach as an artist—there’s a groundedness in my work, even when it’s bold and high-energy. I’ve always had to carve my own path, and I think that’s shaped how I tell my story through my music.