A Quick Chat With LORNA

LORNA, an emerging alternative country/folk singer-songwriter from the East Coast of NSW has released her second single, 'Underachiever'. LORNA showcases her talents on vocals, guitar, and piano accordion on this track that is a balance of passion and groove, exploring themes of heartbreak and self-discovery. We caught up with LORNA to find out more about her, the track and more.

Can you tell us what this track means to you and what you want people to take away from it?

This track signifies the moment I thought my life was truly over and would never amount to anything. I had given up completely on finding love or doing anything good in this world. A slight overreaction, as these feelings were triggered by cancelling a Tinder Date I’d barely spoken to, but it really highlights the place I was mentally in at the time. The universe had other plans for me and I ended up meeting my future husband only week later, which truly was the start of some of the best achievements and memories I have had in my life so far. Hearing this song recorded and out in the world demonstrates to me that things do get better. That we need to go through these things to receive the good at the other end of the mud pit. Seeing the obvious change between the LORNA that wrote this song versus the artist she is today, I feel proud as punch. Like with most of my music, I hope that people can find support through resonance. Often times we feel so alone in these journeys but just by being brave enough to shed some light on our experiences, the people listening in may feel motivated to take action or process things as they need. Self love and self acceptance is all well and good but often times, the next step is reaching out for help. For me, yes it was starting a life with the man that would later be my husband,  but it was also therapy and medication. There is no joke when it comes to mental health, and there is no weakness in admitting that it’s too heavy to hold right now. Music is sometimes the best shoulder to cry on while it kicks you up the bum to do what you need to do for you.

Who are some of the band's influences, and why?

As you’ll read below, my biggest influence on my songwriting is Missy Higgins. Her raw and emotional composition style is something I wanted to emulate as I developed and demonstrated my skills in music throughout my life. To me, it was so powerful and captivating. Other influences are the Australian Country Music I consumed as a child growing up in the country. No matter how hard I tried to deny the roots, they eventually came back up during this recent creative project. The likes of Slim Dusty and the Bushwhackers, if anything for their commitment and zest for music. Other influences include Noah Kahan, Phoebe Bridgers, Zach Bryan- again for all of the above characteristics, demonstrated in their own unique way.

What's the creative process for the band, from writing through to recording?

If anyone tells me to sit down and write, you will get a song about a cow. Literally, the other day whilst on a residency, I wrote a song about a cow. It’s a banger. My point is, I write my songs on the fly when I don’t overthink them. Usually when I’m driving (safely of course) or as the moment is really happening and it comes out like word vomit. My current process is to workshop ideas with my producer before handing it over to the band, just to gauge whether it’s a decent idea. The guys in my band are sincerely incredible and can hear potential parts that I couldn’t even dream of, they also keep me very grounded and realistic. Some of our best collaborations in studio were made on the fly, and some of them were made by clapping in my face to help me keep in time. It helps keep us relaxed and ultimately performing better. 

What do you think makes a great song?

To me, a great song is made through catchy ear worms whilst making the lyrics sincere. If I’m singing lines of the song for days on end, it’s because they moved or motivated me in some way. I will listen to the same songs over and over again for this exact reason, they start to feel like home. Until I find the next one unsuspectedly and it becomes my new driving song to vent to.

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

Missy Higgins. I have been the biggest fan since the days of singstar. I have adored following along with her many unique eras of her compositions. I credit my connection to songwriting to her and I think we’d sound great together.

When not working on music, what other creative outlet/s do you have?

I was asked this question the other day and didn’t quite know how to answer. I am really good at colouring between the lines but I also excel at finding myself in rips at the beach and presenting vegetables just right so my son thinks they’re alright and eats them.

In all seriousness, I’ve danced and played sport since I was a kid. If I’m not singing about heartbreak, I’m usually running or swimming off steam somewhere.

Who are some local bands we should check out?

Shameless plug for some of my support acts, The Bancrofts are a MUST LISTEN AND WATCH. Their live performance is electric. Wil Linder is doing some amazing things with his original music and I think it’s going to be huge. Big shout out to a few bands that I’ve met and played with over the last few months; Cheeky Leash, Duckboi, Courtesy Bus. I’ve been lucky to grow up with some of the people in these bands, or even just cross paths randomly during my day to day, and I love that their passion is matched only with their kindness and support for others. 

Winter or summer and why?


Winter. My two favourite things are wearing jumpers without feeling obliged to wear something underneath out of fear of it getting too hot and going to the Snowies multiple times a season only ride down sideways and drink Bailey’s hot choccies.

What else do you have planned for 2024?

The band and I are hitting the road for a short East Coast/Regional tour to promote Underachiever. I’m very excited to share that experience with them. 

They’re all pro’s and have done this a few times before but it feels like year 6 camp all over again for me. We have the EP coming out too, which is all finished and waiting for me to release it from its cage. It features 2 new songs. Depending on how we go, we may get back into the studio but there’s definitely more travel and performing in the works, that may cross more than state borders.

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