A Quick Chat With Lucid Safari

Meanjin/ Brisbane-based dream rock outfit, Lucid Safari, bring their energetic blend of psych, surf, reggae and rock with their new single ‘Waiting For The Sun’. Bringing Daniel Lewis’ sonic vision to life, the band had created the perfect coastal-rock summer anthem. We caught up with Daniel for a quick chat to find out more about the track and the band.

Can you tell us what this track means to you and what you want people to take away from it?

For me, this track means waiting through tough times knowing good things are coming back around. The ebbs and flows of life are cyclical and I think there's a lot of power sitting in a space of negativity and knowing it's only temporary. We're all about spreading love and positivity and if there's something people can take away from this track, I hope it's a little reassurance that everything's gonna turn out alright. 

Who are some of your influences and why?

As a band we love all different types of music, but we all have our own influences. I personally am a big fan of Australian indie rock, bands like Ocean Alley, Peach Fur, Sticky Fingers. Nic our drummer hails from heavier genres as well as older Rat Pack style music. Our bass player Alex is hugly into Emo and Punk Rock, and our guitarist Braedon derives his playing from Soul/RnB and Jazz genres.    

What's the creative process for you, from writing through to recording?

I still haven't figured that out! I haven't had two songs that have come out the same. I think what I look for is something that feels authentic to me in muse or inspiration. I like to have at least the bones of a song written before I go into the studio, if not the entire thing. Waiting For The Sun is an exception in this way, as the whole thing was written in the studio.

What do you think makes a great song?

Authenticity. It doesn't matter what you're singing about or writing about, if you're truly feeling it - the craft is sure to reward you for your efforts in being vulnerable.

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

There's too many to choose just one! I think I would have to say I'm a huge fan of Dann Hume's production on so many of my favorite artists' work. It would be an honour to work with Dan.

When not working on music, what other creative outlet/s do you have?

I've found myself dabbling in digital art - I'm terrible at it, but it's kind of nice to be starting from square one in a creative skill. Braedon's is probably pumping iron and getting huge :P

Who are some local bands we should check out?

There are so many incredible artists in Brizzy and QLD. The Urban Sea (who we are playing a Co-Headline show with on Nov 12 at the Woolly Mammoth ;)) My wonderful friends Juno are doing awesome things. Josh Lovegrove, Sam Syrah, Ashgroove, Dizzy Days, The Dandys, Mondeo, Ban Solo, Monstera, Allora, Fat Picnic, Kurilpa Reach, Lounge, Tyde and so many more I've forgotten.

Winter or summer and why?

I can't speak for the other boys, but I'll say Summer. Aww it's too hot, too bad! I just feel so much more energised in summer and every fond memory I have I've been drenched in sweat and loving life. Also beach days suck in winter. 

What else do you have planned for the year?

We've got a headline show coming up with The Urban Sea and special guest Sam Syrah on November 12 at the Woolly Mammoth in Brisbane, as well as supporting X Factor winner Reece Mastin on his headline show in Wynnum very soon. Apart from that we will be winding things down, writing and recording new music for release next year, and then we'll be hitting the road to play come sick shows around the country! 

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