A Quick Chat with Moss & Boo Seeka

Moss, you mentioned this track marks an evolution of your sound. What inspired you to explore this more reflective and fluid direction, and how do you think it resonates with your listeners?

M: It’s been a natural progression as I’ve learnt more about myself and songwriting over the last few years. The process of self-reflection has been a big unpack for me—I think it’s informed and also unlocked a lot of who I am creatively. I’ve always loved to tell stories and pull emotion into the core of each track I write, and You Again is no different. While the whirlwind of trap beats and rapid bass wubs is at bay (for now), I’m beginning to highlight the softer side of my production.

What role did experimentation play in the creation of this track? Were there any unexpected moments or ideas that made their way into the final version?

B: The unexpected moment in this session was how quick it all came together. We literally met, went and had some lunch, came back, and Moss started making the most incredible bed of sounds. That sparked a conversation about the concept, and before we knew it, a vocal was put down. We both looked at each other like… shit, have we just written the whole song? We listened back so many times, thinking that can’t be it surely, but it pretty much was. A few tweaks here and there, but not much. The end product came from that one session.

M: I agree with Boo—our day in the studio creating the world of this record only took a few hours, and it was done. We really clicked spiritually and conceptually. Once we had that dialed in, the rest fell into place quicker than either of us expected, hahah. I fell in love with Ben’s voice and the raw emotion that came from the soft deliveries of each line. I wanted to keep that as true to what we captured in that moment as possible.

Boo, your voice has a distinct ability to carry both emotional depth and energy. How did you approach balancing these elements while working on You Again with Moss?

B: You are too kind and making me blush, haha. I still find it personally very confusing listening back to myself sing. It’s only been in the last year or so that I’ll actually stay in the room and listen to my vocal back when I work on a track. In the past, I would just leave and come back when it was all done. I think the concept hit me right in the heart, so when it came to delivering the vocal with Moss, the emotion was already there. We both felt it was the only way the vocal should be delivered for this track.

The title You Again feels personal and open to interpretation. What does the phrase mean to each of you in the context of this song?

M: The feeling of a familiar presence is something we’ve probably all felt in our lifetimes. While Boo and I have our own interpretations of what the record says, I think it’s best left for the listeners to discover and imagine You Again.

B: I’m always the first person to not tell the meaning about a track because I want the listener to connect with the song in their own way. Me personally telling them may stop the connection. But in saying that, I think the title summed up everything Moss and I wanted to say with our story and what it meant to us after our conversation in that session.

Your work together brings a blend of organic emotion and electronic precision. How did you navigate balancing these elements to create such a textured sound?

M: Honestly, less is more. When I write nowadays, I’m more about finding perfect simplicity—having enough elements to fill the track without too much happening at once. Boo has such an incredible voice, and highlighting that was my priority with this record. Everything else, aside from the looping synth chops, are just supportive elements. The mixdown process was already a lot simpler because of this and allowed me to create a lot more push and pull with the elements.

B: All the credit should go to Moss on this one. It was an absolute honour to be in the room with him and watch him create magic. The sounds he put together really gave the direction and the concept when it came down to the lyrics and vocal melody.

Your respective careers have seen you perform on massive stages. How does creating a track like You Againinfluence how you envision connecting with audiences during live performances?

M: My approach to tunes has definitely incorporated that “will it bang in the club” mentality. While it can be sick for making club plates or IDs, it definitely makes it a lot trickier to tell a story. While You Again has a “drop,” I wanted it to feel more like a pre-chorus/chorus and move away from the EDM structure of “here’s where a build-up needs to be.” The story for me is at the core, and honouring that moment or feeling is what we really prioritised in this record.

B: I personally try to take myself out of that concept most of the time because if I’m always thinking that, I don’t think the song is written the way it should be. But there’s no denying that when I heard the drop Moss made for the first time in the session, it definitely took me there, hahaha. I just needed to pull myself back into the mindset of doing the track justice and not just immediately thinking, let’s goooo!

Both of you have unique approaches to storytelling in your music. How do you feel this song represents the intersection of your artistic identities, and what do you hope listeners take away from it?

M: The speed at which this song fell into place is really a testament to how in sync we were in the studio with our approaches to creativity. Boo’s musical background is incredibly diverse, and it just felt effortless to lock in on the story, meaning, and message. I feel like there’s going to be a lot of different interpretations of You Again, as there are so many emotions at play throughout the track. From melancholic and mysterious to uplifting and reflective, the dynamic shifts. I can’t wait to hear how it’s received.

B: I was just super inspired by Moss that day and his storytelling. He had so much influence on where I went with the lyrics and how it personally made me feel. It’s definitely the reason I took the approach I did when delivering the vocal. I’m really interested to see how the public connects with this one—in the way of, does it make the majority feel happy, sad, curious to dig deeper, etc. That’s what I love about music—that a song can hit so many different ways.