What’s the story behind your latest release?

Thank you so much! When it comes down to it, this song is about not taking yourself too seriously. We can get so caught up in a sense of security instead of living in the here and now so push for the things you want and enjoy the ride while it lasts.

Australian pop punk seems to be coming back into a limelight of sorts. Do you have your eyes on some acts we should know about?

There are SO MANY GOOD BANDS in Australia right now!!! The first ones that come to mind are Between You And Me, Stand Atlantic, Down For Tomorrow, Terra, Short Stack, RedHook, Future Static, The Dead Love, Windwaker, The Last Martyr, Catholic Guilt, Everlyne, A Swift Farewell, Snark, Start Your Own Cult… and that's just dipping our toes into the Aus Music waters! Can't wait to share the stage with some of these legends soon!!

The swing bridge in this song has to be my favourite part. Changing the feel of a song and catching people off guard is always a fun time. How do you imagine that 20 seconds of swing will go down in a mosh?

Haha thank you - I know it's not what you usually hear in a pop punk mosh but hey, we hope people feel the music and have a boogie! 

Mental health is a topic that is being raised a lot in the music industry lately, considering we’ve been to hell and back for two years non-stop. What messages do you have for young musicians and industry workers to boost morale?

Cliche, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel if you want there to be, and it really does get better. The last 2 years have been so rough for the industry - we've seen bands call it quits left right and centre, we've seen our friends and peers struggle... but I feel like we've also seen a rise of community. Fund-raising, banding together, reaching out to each other, checking in on mates and strangers - hopefully those positives stick around and hopefully people know that there is always help when you need it. 

How does PAPERWEIGHT plan on conquering 2022? 

Releasing music, making more stupid videos, playing SHOWS - we have 2 years to make up for!!! 
