A Quick Chat with Paulina & Tom Thum

How did you two meet?
We met through a mutual friend of ours who introduced us at a SPARK Ipswich Festival event back in 2021!

What were you meant to be working on when you created this track?
We were meant to record the final vocals for the first song we ever wrote together 2 years ago, which we’re planning to release soon! It’s just so funny to see how the ‘lives’ of songs can vary sooo drastically! One of our songs has taken over 2 years to finish, and then a song like Focus On Me took us 4 days.

What makes this song special compared to your other releases?
For everything I have done so far, it’s always been a process of meticulous revision and tweaking to the point of tinkering with something that didn’t need it. With this, it happened so naturally and quickly that we didn’t have time to second-guess our approach. I think it gave us a real kick up the ass to realise that we could work that efficiently but haven’t been. It’s got me really excited to make more big decisions quickly and with intention.

Were you expecting the snippet you posted to blow up like that?
No, not at all!! It’s so ironic that out of all the videos I (Paulina) have ever posted, the one that had the least planning happened to be the one people connected to most. I remember heading to Tom’s house in clothes that I’m pretty sure I slept in haha, realised as I was driving that I wasn’t even wearing a bra or had moisturiser on my face lmao!! And Tom was also just wearing super casual clothes with shorts that had paint on them. So we definitely didn’t plan for or think over 1.7 million people would see us, but we’re so glad they did!! Just goes to show that showing up and being yourself (even if you’re a little messy) is a beautiful thing, and is something people are drawn to time and time again :)

Will we be expecting more tracks together?
Absolutely! We already have enough for an EP and then some. I think this has really given me (Tom) the confidence to accept that people wanna hear what we are doing, so we won’t be hoarding them as tightly as we have been from now on. Plenty of rad things on the way!