A Quick Chat with Peni Parker

Congratulations on the release of ‘Disrupt’! What are your plans to celebrate the release?

Thank you, hoping for a few sneaky shows and a celebratory drink somewhere in the mix to celebrate. 

What does ‘Disrupt’ mean to you as a song? 

It’s a bit a reminder of my self-worth. Even when everything’s going so wrong, just having that little reminder to push through and keep being a good human to others.

What’s the writing process like when creating a new song?

So, I normally write a bunch of lyrics, figure out the topline, and rough chords of where I want to sit. This time, I sent it to my beautiful friend Ini who helped me with some demos.

Once we had a solid idea of the song, I worked with Fletcher Mathew’s, who helped flesh out the last of it and produced/mixed the tracks. Then the lovely Rhys May mastered it. 

I was so emotional writing ‘Disrupt’ though, I don’t think I believed the lyrics at the time, but I knew I’d get to a better place and could use that emotion to get me through where I was at. 

How did you first start your journey in music?

Goodness I’ve always been around music, I was dancing around the house belting AC/DC as a toddler. 

Was a lot of trial and error over the years to find the right fit for me, I’m very grateful to be surrounded by such talented friends who have guided and helped me grow as an artist. 

What can fans expect to see from a PENI PARKER live show?

A lot of angry singing, stomping around, fun outfits and a safe space to let loose! I love when fans wear fun fits too and step out of their comfort zone.

What do you hope to achieve by the end of 2023? 

I’d love to meet more people, play some fun gigs, and hopefully encourage other women and nb humans to take up more space & start their own creative journey. 
