A Quick Chat with Planet Rami
Image Credit: Quinton Carson
Pink to Blue" explores the story of a relationship breakdown. What inspired you to write this track, and was there a particular moment that sparked the idea?
There was something quite surreal and perfect about the session that day. I walked in and Luther was over visiting from LA at the time. I didn’t know Luther was going to be in with us that day but Tony, Luther and myself proceeded to write this track in the space of 6 hours from start to finish. Never reopening the song until its release.
The particular moment was walking into that studio room that day and Luther helping me extract the sorrow I was experiencing. He was wearing double denim and had these beautiful brown boots on too, it was all bled into the track in a way. I wanted to talk about how love can quite literally turn you from pink to blue, life to death and hungry to full.
Are there any new influences or experiences that have been shaping your sound lately?
Not really, it’s been the same. I guess I could mention my involvement with piano recently. Since moving from Perth 3 years ago, I don’t have my drumkit anymore but I opted out for a piano and spend most of my time playing that and writing music on there. My music has definitely taken a more acoustic and stripped back angle when I reference what I do at home, whereas most of my writing used to occur on the drumkit. You could expect to hear something a bit more confronting and ‘quiet’ next…
What's the creative process for you, from writing through to recording?
There are two avenues I take. The first avenue involves my voice memos heavily, my piano or drums and a whole lot of recording ideas that come out of nowhere I guess. And let's be clear… 90% of those ideas are sent to the dungeon of never being listened to again but for some… the lucky ones… they escape and see the light of the studio. There, we can expand the ideas and flesh out what's going on.
The second avenue is walking into a studio, vibing out with the producer on the day (either Tony or Sudek) and making magic on the spot. I think music is so special for that exact reason. We conduct ideas from this invisible ethos that harbours music and we are the element that captures it.
What do you think makes a great song?
Emotion, vulnerability, commitment. Music is like a relationship, you can’t just love the pretty parts.
Looking beyond "Pink to Blue," what can fans expect next? Are there any upcoming releases, tours, or special projects in the works?
We’ve got a couple shows in the works which they can find details for on my Instagram Planetrami. In regards to music, let’s just say the next track’s a little lower and a little deeper.