Can you tell us a bit about your inspiration for your 3 singles, How Can I, Crazy, & Petunia?
How Can I only had partial lyrics at the beginning but was inspired by a friend's story of their breakup. It is a song about temptation and betrayal.
Crazy - It was a late night idea to make this country classic a slinky New Orleans jazz song. I played it into my phone, sent it to myself in an email, then I found it the next morning but didn’t remember doing it.
Petunia - An upbeat comedic take on a motivationally challenged husband. This is based on me before my ADHD diagnosis. I am actually a productive member of society these days.
What are your influences and how do they affect your songwriting?
My parents played in a bluegrass band together when I was really young. Then my dad had a jazz band for the rest of his days. I had instrument cases all over my childhood home so that is where it all started. I found that I really loved blues and soul music once I was in my early twenties. These styles all pop up in my songwriting. Sometimes influences in the same song, sometimes separately in a jazz song, a bluegrass song, and a funk song.
What’s the creative process like for you?
I get ideas randomly, and pretty regularly. I often wake from a dream with an idea. I try to finish them and record a basic demo at the very least. Sometimes it takes years before I finish a song.
If you could change something about the Australian music industry what would it be?
It feels like we are all out here on our own struggling to survive at the moment. We have to tour and sell merch to make money. Our music, the actual product, is fairly worthless unless we get a placement or something. Artists need more support from somewhere if we are going to keep at it. I don’t have the solution but I think most artists would say the same.
What do you think life would be like for you if you didn’t have music as an outlet?
I would have been miserable. Music helped me deal with my depression and anxiety for years. I can’t express how important it’s been to me.
Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with?
Why? Anders Osborne. He is a great songwriter and I listen to his album “Coming Down” pretty regularly. He shares a lot of influences with me and I think we would hit it off.
What’s your advice to young people who want to make a career for themselves in the industry?
Get really good at social media, and create the best music you can. You’ll be running a small business.
Who’s the most interesting person you’ve worked with/met?
On my upcoming album “Torana Americana” I was fortunate to have Michael Cleveland play on some of my tracks. We only talked through messages online, but considering he is a Grammy award winner I was absolutely thrilled he would talk to me at all.
Any plans for a tour on the cards?
I will hit the road with a band. I enjoy playing live. There is no substitute for that. I am hoping to do a lot of festivals in the summer. Stay tuned.