A Quick Chat with Revoid

Hello! First things first, who is Revoid?

Revoid is Dale Dudeson (Vocals), Jack Carey (Guitar), Josh ‘Krusty’ Gudgeon (Guitar) and a secret 4th member, you’ll have to come to our tour in October to find out who that is. 

Congrats on your new single “Blood Petals”! Could you tell us a little about it?

‘Blood Petals’ is a song rife with passion and regret. A familiar experience to most, it serves as a very personal insight into the throes of love and love lost and intertwines the great sadness and intensity we feel when what we have grown to love is helplessly taken from us. This song started from one line; “You used to mean everything…”, a very simple line in itself, but something that you can’t help being drawn in by – a further testament to what we wanted to create with this song; something simple, but something powerful. 

How did the collaboration with Inertia’s Julian Latouche come about?

The collaboration with Julian came along quite naturally as we had worked with him on our first EP ‘Sleepless Still’ to help with some vocal writing. We became friends and we had been fans of Inertia for ages anyway so when it came to recording ‘Blood Petals’ he was just hanging out with us and Mark (Producer/Also in Inertia). During the studio session and we suggested he would be a good fit for it, and he was keen and it came together really quickly. Super stoked to have him on board for it being a friend of ours and just an amazing vocalist in general.

How does this new song differ from previous releases?

This is certainly our softest song, and it may come as a shock following our last single ‘Burn With Me’ but we don’t want to be a band that just sticks to the same type of song. Having dynamic and diversity in our music is what keeps us interested and pushing forward creatively. 

Is this a sign of more to come from Revoid?

This is just a standalone single for now but there is new music coming in the first half of 2024. 

What’s been your career highlight so far?

Playing alongside Dayseeker (USA) and Inertia at a sold-out show at The Brightside in Brisbane. Easily our biggest show to date and we got to perform ‘Blood Petals’ with Julian live so it was extra special for us.  

Who are some Australian bands worth keeping an eye on?

Inertia (Obviously), our friends in Headwreck and Tapestry, their new album is amazing! 

What songs do you have on repeat on your playlists right now?

The Pain You Desire, The Love You Deserve – Tapestry, The whole album,

Bound to Your Whispers – Bloom, 

Bury Me – Shields 

Pity Sex – Off Road Minivan

Where can fans catch you live? And will “Blood Petals” be making an appearance?

We are going on tour in October to celebrate ‘Blood Petals’ so it will be making an appearance for sure. You can catch us October 7th at The Cactus Room in Melbourne, October 14th at The Burdekin Hotel in Sydney, and October 20th at Backdock Arts in Brisbane, joining us at all the shows will be The Motion Below (MLB) and Ghost Complex (SYD). See you there!