
1: Can you tell us the story behind ‘Death Drive’?

The true story and meaning behind Death Drive is something I want to keep to myself, something I always have in mind is that the whole project is open for interpretation. People can project their own meanings and experiences to all the content I create and the inspiration for the creation may be completely different to their interpretation.As for the creation of the track, I produced, performed and mixed the track myself and collaborated with my good friend Alex (sad alex) with writing the vocals. 

2: The music video certainly is eye-catching and gripping. How did that idea come around?

 Staying true to the title, I wanted to create a music video where I literally died in a car crash. Doing any project half assed isn’t in my nature, so I bought a 90’s sports car (which was very nostalgic for me having grown up around cars and motorbikes) and totalled it. The Japanese Car community isn’t happy about it…but I couldn’t be happier with the music video!

3: This song was self-produced. Do you find you’re at your highest creativity levels when working on your own?

 Depends on what part of the process I am working on. For producing and mixing down I prefer to be by myself, but I love to collaborate on writing the vocals as other people help breakdown my emotional shell. I don’t know why but I just have more fun doing it that way.

4: How do you want to be perceived by an audience? What do you hope to resonate with your fans?

 Again, this project is open for interpretation in every way. I’ll hide symbolism, lyrical reference and call backs for myself and my fans, but if some people miss all of it and put their own meaning on the content I create then I am happy.  

5: What’s on the horizon for Rich Delinquent?

 I can’t spill the beans just yet, but we will be launching something special very soon. Rich Delinquent is a lot more than just music, its story telling through multiple mediums…. that’s all I can really say for now.

