A Ronin is a Samurai with no master, what was the driving force behind that as an artist name?

 I was sleeping at my pregnant sister's house in the garage whilst I tried to find a home. I started writing my first songs at this time and I was trying to pick a name for my music and my nephew was born called Ronin and I thought that was the perfect idea for so many reasons


You have had success globally with your hit single All Girls Are The Same, how has your approach to songwriting / production changed since then?

 No, my skills have improved but I’ve always stuck to my roots. If you get lost in the sauce you will never be able to make good music


You have been championed by the gaming world, do you see yourself as someone that community can really relate to?

 100% I used to play games such as fifa & call of duty everyday like it was my job when I was younger and It’s awesome to see my music naturally resonate with the community


Do you enjoy being in Aus or US more ?

 I love Australia and always will, but I’ve lived here my entire life and I enjoy America more as my core fan base is over there and I just find a lot more opportunity for me and my type of music I’m trying to create


Looking forward to Butterflies [Ready To Go], this may be your most rounded single to date, do you feel like you are honing in on your sound?

 I believe I’m just getting started and I’m excited to continue learning and growing as a artist


You have incredible fans, have you got any plans to tour in the coming months?

 Yes, I would love to tour I really want to visit parts of Asia such as India where I went number #1 last year @Spotify Viral Top 50 and also travel across Europe play as many shows as possible and end up back in America


If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

 Ravioli / Pasta
