A Quick Chat with Sir Winston
How would you describe the Sir Winston project to a new listener?
Dark, Sexy. Electric & Wild.
You just released a new single 'Perfectly Numb’ out into the world - tell us a little bit about it!
It’s from a new EP called 'Démons à Combattre'. I wrote most of the songs whilst living in Paris last year and recorded it at Transmitter Studios in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York. There is a French theme to the EP. I loved living in Paris and I wanted this EP to have a really strong theme. I wanted to explore temptation, forbidden fruit – fighting against inner demons. I loved walking the streets of Paris at night recording ideas into my phone. When I got to New York I was ready to record with a ton of ideas. Perfectly Numb really moves and there’s a lot going on. I love the energy and the structure – it’s really pumping.
What were some key creative influences that helped shape this single?
Perfectly Numb is a throwback to the music of the 2010’s – bloghaus – indiesleaze. I wanted to keep the spirit of the era within the track and the references are pretty obvious. There’s a hedonistic indulgence to Perfectly Numb. It’s about being in a self-induced deluded state – where you’re temporarily stuck, you’re ok– but there’s no turning back – your committed – it can’t be undone. Time to sit back and roll with it – ride the moment and enjoy.
How has your time in New York shaped your sound? What do you love most?
A lot of my favourite artists are from New York. I discovered The Velvet Underground at a young age and I love music from New York that they heavily influence. I think that people who make music in New York really live it. It’s an integral part to the fabric of life there. The music that comes out of Brooklyn has a very unique and identifiable sound to it, that can only come from actually making it there. I’m also very lucky to have met Abe Seiferth who has worked on all the Sir Winston releases with me. His set up at Transmitter Studios in Greenpoint Brooklyn is amazing – the best studio working environment I’ve worked in.
There’s a lot I love about New York – it’s been good to me. There’s a drive and determination that I feel in New York that I don’t feel anywhere else. You have to work hard – nothing comes easy. I’ve a lot of respect for artists that come up there. You have to be all in – no plan B or you will fail. You have to live it - you must be authentic – fake doesn’t work in New York.
One thing I really love, are warm evenings when I leave the studio in Brooklyn and I’m coming over the bridge back into Manhattan, the sun is hitting the buildings and I’m listening to the day’s work in my headphones – happy AF.
You reference Bloghaus and Indie Sleaze as resurgent movements that are key to defining your sound. How would you describe these genres to someone who may be unfamiliar with them?
The term indiesleaze started from an Instagram account of that name that throws back to the period from around mid/late 2000’s to early/mid 2010’s. It’s a fashion and music aesthetic that grew from a decadent sexy party scene that was part grunge and part 80’s style. Music from the time was discovered through blogs – hence –Bloghaus. Artists such as LCD Soundsystem, The Strokes, Peaches, MGMT were part of the genre. All artists I love and a time I lived through.
What is one thing you’d like listeners to take away from ‘Perfectly Numb’?
Despite the dark theme its actually a really upbeat and energetic track. It’s got fun different parts to it, you can really move to it and its trying to be optimistic. It’s all about– ride out the moment – you will come good – hang in there and grind it out!
Do you have any plans to celebrate now that it’s out in the world?
I’m celebrating by making a club remix for my DJ set.