Brilliant new single, fellas. How did this one come about?

Thank you very much! This one started with our guitarist Sam. He wrote the skeleton of the song and from there it was handed to the rest of the band to come up with tweaks in the arrangement and after some back and forth, ‘The Hills’ was written!

There’s a glowing resonance about this song, it feels like a “welcome home” hug from someone you love. Is that a feeling you strive to incorporate into your new music?

Connecting to our audience emotionally is something we consider when writing songs. We like to write from an honest perspective, and we want people to feel something when they listen to our songs. In the case of ‘The Hills’, that feeling is a warm, nostalgic feeling but as a band we write about a lot of different things. Some of our songs will make you laugh, some will make you cry, some will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside but hopefully you’ll enjoy it all the same.

There’s an extremely relatable line in this song: “Everyone I know is a stranger now”. What advice would you give to those who are struggling to connect with people close to them in their quest to truly be comfortable with themselves?

That’s a good question, and I think it’s even harder to connect with people with everything going on now. Everybody’s journey is different, but from my experience being in a band where all the members are all spread out across the globe, I’d say having good communication with others around you, backing yourself and staying true to yourself is a good place to start. 

The Faim’s music offers a sense of belonging. Where are some places and who are some people that offer that same feeling for you? Be it an international stage or a certain special person etc.

The Perth Hills are a place that’s special to all of us in the band. Sam, Steve and Josh grew up there and I lived there for about a year. We wrote a lot of songs together there and it was the main inspiration for this song. We all wouldn’t be the people we are today without the experiences we had during our time spent there. As for people, my family and close friends offer me that same feeling.

When can we see The Faim on home soil again? 

Hopefully very soon, we’re so keen to tour Australia again
