A Quick Chat with Torizon

Answered by Mish Sharma (vocalist) and Jordan Miller (drummer)

Congrats on your new single “Martyr”, could you tell us a bit about it?

Mish: Martyr is written from the perspective of a domestic violence victim who realises that they need to leave for their physical and psychological safety. Fun fact I had written the verse and chorus vocal parts for a completely different song, I was singing those along to the Martyr demo track as a joke but it worked so well that we decided to keep it! 

Jordan: The chorus is really catchy and it’s my favourite part. It’s really fun to play live! 

What was the process of production like? Who was involved in the creation of “Martyr”?

Mish: We worked with Kalen Austin Productions to record this track and our previous single ‘Damaged’ over three days. On the day we were tracking vocals, I had missed my antidepressant dose which gave me brain zaps and I also had a chronic pain flare up. This combination helped me deliver a really vulnerable performance, sometimes you just have to lean into however your mind, body and voice is presenting. The songs were mixed and mastered by Chris Blancato who produces some of our favourite bands such as Northlane, Reliqa and Vilify. We are super happy with the result and really hope that everyone enjoys Martyr as much as we do. 

Where/who do you draw influence from when you write?

Mish: Lyrically, I tend to write about events that move me, sometimes it’s about something I am personally experiencing and other times, it’s about what I am witnessing others go through. Martyr in particular was written about the hold that a narcissistic person can have on a person. Narcissistic abuse was a throughline in my life from early childhood to adulthood. I spent a lot of time in trauma therapy working through it all and developing safe connections. I also have a history of complex PTSD (treated) which is also a gold mine for artistic inspiration, despite its many challenges. 

Musically, I draw my influences from Tonight Alive, Evanescence, Spiritbox and Bad Omens. I also love alt-pop singer songwriters such as Tori Amos, Meg Myers, Fiona Apple and Regina Spektor who have played a big role in how I sing.

Jordan: I always play to the song, do what serves it best. I was always taught that my job is to keep time, but how I do that is my own choice. Sometimes it's a vocal hook or a guitar pattern influencing my decisions. Personal drumming influences include but not limited to: Travis Barker, Ilan Rubin, Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins and Danny Carey. 

How has 2023 been for Torizon so far? What else has been happening in your world?

Mish: Pretty good! We spent the first 8 months writing our new EP which is due to be recorded early next year. Expect a deeper guitar tuning, metalcore riffs and breakdowns with pop sensibilities as we call it - petalcore (pop-metalore). We released our new single ‘Damaged’ in August which was received really well by major media outlets and our fans. We also did an East Coast tour with Orpheus Omega and Triple Kill which was a blast! The rest of the year is dedicated to promoting our new single Martyr and performing live. Personally, I am working on building better habits and tackling my eating disorder head on..and traveling. 

Jordan: Epic! Wrote some amazing songs I can't wait to produce further. Personal growth always. I’m currently writing & producing a short film with my fiance Emma Mallory who was also the art director for ‘Damaged’ music video.

Where can listeners catch you live?

Mish: This saturday at Vinnies Dive supporting Bridge Left To Burn on the Bitter Endings East Coast Tour. We also have a show in December which hasn’t been announced yet….keep an eye on our socials :) If you want to be the first to catch our latest tunes, behind the scenes content, shows and merch, head over to linktr.ee/torizonofficial/

How would you describe your live show?

Mish: Emotive, heavy, energetic and raw. Our new set is in drop B tuning with lots of delicious heaviness and sing along melodies. 

Jordan: Two words - loud and exhilarating! 

Who is Torizon’s bucklist artist/band to tour with?

Mish: Tonight Alive, Evanescence, Reliqa, Northlane, Bad Omens, Redhook….I could go on forever! 

Jordan: Blink-182, Bad Omens, The Used, Placebo, Northlane and Reliqa.

What does the next year look like for Torizon?

Mish: Recording and releasing our new EP! Can’t wait to show you what we have been working on. Touring nationally and doing more Pokemon trivia nights together! We invent silly games when we are touring, so I’m looking forward to see what the boys come up with next - they are hilarious! 

Jordan: EP recording. Playing as many shows as possible. More tour games!