DIVES tells us about his new track "Infinite Bliss"
Describe your music as if you were telling someone over 60 about it.
‘Pet Sounds’ by the Beach Boys meets Cocteau Twins with a modern-flavour.
What is a stand out piece of live music you have seen?
I was lucky enough to see Leroy Burgess play at Giles Peterson’s Worldwide Festival this year with some work friends in the South of France and it totally blew my mind. He was played the most beautiful, authentic live disco with his band and the whole of the Theatre de la Mer was vibing hard.
Why do you, do what you do?
I guess the simple answer is that I just really enjoy working on music. It’s a kind of therapy for me, almost meditative. There’s something so deeply exciting and romantic about crafting my own little world with sound that no one can see or touch, but they can hear it and feel it. I also find it easier to connect with other people through music.
A party is dying and only an absolute banger will save it. What do you play?
Blue Monday by New Order
Tell us about infinite bliss!
I found an early demo of Infinite Bliss in my emails from 2015 the other day (yikes!). This track was a bit of a turning point for me both compositionally and sonically, replacing guitars with keys, pushing my vocal range, and experimenting more with space with the production. I can’t tell you how many times I re-recorded and re-worked this track. Lyrically this track is about me realising that my life makes more sense when I’m immersed in music and sound. It always helped me circumnavigate this really awful existential dread that kept popping up in my early 20’s and it helps me maintain a happy and inspired lifestyle now. It’s about those blissful musical moments in life that keep me going and remind me why I’m here.