A Quick Chat with Toby Hobart

Brisbane plays host to some of the best Pop icons in Australia at the moment when you think about Mallrat, Cub Sport, Eves Karydas and Jungle Giants. Has this genre always leant itself to your songwriting and natural performance prowess ?

I think the genre “pop” these days is so hard to define sonically! I feel as though I’ve always written in a way that just feels as natural to me as possible. I often freestyle all of my songs when writing and the first melody’s tend to be the ones that make the final song. However, I feel like I just want to make music that I can listen to all day everyday which tends to lean into that pop world. I love when songs feel addictive to listen to and overall exciting. 

You have recently started doing a series of “pick this song” across your social media which has been very funny…has anyone just blatantly said no yet? If so, give us the goss?

Oh I sure have had my fair share of rejections! It’s actually been rather therapeutic being rejected by so many strangers oddly enough; a form of rejection therapy you could say. Some people clearly are just having a bad day so the last thing they probably want is some random dude with a microphone coming up to them. One person in particular gave me quite the eyes while saying “No…really bad timing bro” so I apologise to them and hope they’re ok! 

You have played some pretty epic shows and been involved with some great festivals and events around QLD including BIGSOUND. What is next on your bucket list of being an artist?

Not sure when this will happen but Splendour in the Grass has always been high on the list! I feel like as an Australian artist, playing Splendour is a bit of a right of passage.

When you see Toby Hobart in a few years time…where is he and what is he doing?

Now that’s something I ask myself all the time. Firstly, hopefully he’s doing what he still loves, making great music with great people and playing shows all around the world. That would be the dream. I’d love to be even more connected with fans and meet them all across the globe. I recently just got back from a trip to London and that made me super excited to travel more. Perhaps I’ll spend some time in London once my Australian base is more established. Now that would be the dream.

For someone so young to have been in the music industry for a few years now releasing great music.. If there is one thing you could change, what would it be?

As cliche as it is, I really wouldn't change anything! I think it’s super easy to compare yourself and your career journey to the people around you, however, you must realise that everyone’s path looks so different from each other! Maybe that then… to put less focus on what other people are doing and more focus on my own craft, passion and love for making people connected through my music. 

If you had to live on one food and drink combo what would it be?

Bacon & eggs (I’m selfishly going to count this as one) and an iced latte. I’m a big breakfast food guy so this would actually be the dream.

What's your star sign??


Lastly, you have a hugely committed fan base and interact with them heaps, is this something you are going to try and keep doing as you become a bigger household name?

Absolutely! I remember commenting or sending DM’s to some of the artists that I looked up to and it was always the nicest feeling when they replied and interacted back. Also, me as Toby Hobart the artist would be nothing if it weren't for me fans! The least I can do is take a couple minutes out of my day to engage and interact with them and it honestly brings me so much joy looking at the little community we’ve started building. They’ve been so lovely and kind to me so that’s exactly how I want to be with them.

Thanks Toby Hobart!