What inspired Ocean Alley to put on A Day For The Beaches?
1. What inspired the band to put on A Day For The Beaches?
We mainly wanted to raise money for two charities that we have been involved with, those being Cerebral Palsy Alliance and One-Eighty. Secondly, we wanted to put on an event for our community, to give back to the locals and also to support some local artist the same way we were supported when we started playing music on the Beaches.
2. Have you learnt anything about the other side of the industry during the process?
I guess if you’re organised and go through the proper motions anyone can put a day like this on. Of course we have had a lot of support from everyone involved as well. The proceeds are going to a great cause which makes people want to help however they can, and we greatly appreciate it.
3. How has the local Northern Beaches music scene changed since Ocean Alley first started out? Have you noticed similar changes across the wider Sydney or Australian scene?
Venues are always opening and closing but there are definitely parts of Sydney that have been hit pretty hard by ridiculous nanny state laws like the lock out laws and also festivals which were disrupted by this government too. The Northern beaches has the chance to create a great live music scene with all the recent renovations of a lot of the local pubs and clubs. The music is there, the venues are there, now we just need some smart and passionate people in local and state government to make it all happen and bring live music back to Sydney and New South Wales in droves.
4. Can we expect any new music from the band at A Day For The Beaches?
We will be playing our latest singles ‘Stained Glass’ and ‘Infinity’, as well as a whole bunch of oldies, so hopefully there is something for everyone. There’s going to be so much great music coming from all the local acts, so be there early so ya don’t miss a beat!
5. Has anything changed about the way you create music together? Either during the creation process or where you find inspiration?
Not particularly. We still write together and record it all in pretty much the same way. We feel that aspects of our songwriting have changed a little though, and we are always learning so much every time we head to a studio to demo or record.
6. Where does the band see itself in the next 12 months?
We’ve got some time in Australia in the near future, continuing with some writing while we are all in one place. There’s going to be some down time in there before we get busy again touring. We have international and domestic tours next year and new music on the horizon. Keep the lids peeled.
A Day For The Beaches is taking over Rat Park in Narrabeen on November 16.
Tickets are available from dayforthebeaches.com
Ocean Alley – Dear Seattle – Eagle Eye Jones – Stumps – Liquid Time –
The Brights – Monkey Knife Fight – Butterbox
+ Markets, local art, food trucks and more.
All ages, drug and alcohol free event.
@adayforthebeaches | #adayforthebeaches