1. LEON - The Professional
I've seen this so many times I mouth the words of the script as it plays out. I was first aware of this film because I listened to Nas so much and his track 'The Message' samples Sting's 'The Shape Of My Heart' which is the final track in LEON. So this was a great example of discovering a great film because of a sample in a hip hop track
2. Aliens
I'm not even going to try and connect the best action film of all time to my music career. Let's just say Bill Paxton's roles over the years have been the subject of many class clown moments for me - so i'll very loosely try and connect that to my humour on stage
3. Pulp Fiction
I mean the soundtrack alone is one of the greatest of all time. Surely just listening to that CD on repeat has influenced me, subconsciously anyway. There's actually 8 Tarantino film references across my 8 albums ! A fan told me that recently on Twitter. Pulp Fiction was my go to for practicing my Christopher Walken impression too
4. City Of God
This is the film that made me believe I could pick up a camera, cast some kids off the street and go make a movie. Homemade approach. Basically the same approach I have to directing all my own music videos: Low budgets, hustle and pulling favours. Also - making it up as I go along, much like my career. Seems to work for me!
5. Pan's Labyrinth
What a bonkers and beautiful film - perfect example of unexpected genre mash - much like my own music I guess ? Can I have that? Okay, thanks. Guillermo Del Toro was actually one of the references for my 8th album cover image.
"We May Grow Old But We Never Grow Up" is out now via BMG, buy/stream it here.