A Quick Chat With Burning Jacobs Ladder

Gold Coast-based multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter Jake T Johnson, known for his project Burning Jacobs Ladder, is back with a highly anticipated new single titled 'Fickle Bones'. The single follows the success of his debut EP EP/1 in 2021. Featuring haunting vocals and dark Spaghetti Western-inspired melodies, 'Fickle Bones' is a raw and emotionally charged track that delves into the struggles of mental health, emotional detachment, and living a life for someone else. Jake's authentic and deeply personal storytelling, combined with his impressive skillset as a recording engineer and musician, makes 'Fickle Bones' a must-listen for anyone looking for a unique and captivating new sound. We caught up with Jake to find otu more about the track, his project and more.

Can you tell us what this track means to you and what you want people to take away from it?

It was written from a personal place and a place of experience. I feel that people will interpret it in different ways but i’d like for them to think it has a positive message overall. It’s more of a celebration rather than a sadness.

Who are some of your influences and why?

Although I like a broad range of music I have always been influenced by artists that try to do something slightly different and break the mould. This track in particular was influenced by artists that use orchestral/ethereal elements in their music so I was listening to a lot of Radiohead and The Verve at the time for inspiration

What's the creative process for you, from writing through to recording?

Writing usually starts from just experimenting on an instrument. Could be guitar, keys, drum machine, samples etc, anything at all really. I get curious with sounds and then usually start singing over the top to create melodies. I usually record as I go to get the bulk of the ideas down, even if they are just scratch tracks. It will become more regimented then as I start working out structure, instrumentation and lyrics etc. Once the bulk of the song is down I’ll start producing and mixing which usually takes the longest time. I will admit a lot of these processes overlap and the process is quite messy but it is the nature of the beast when working alone.

What do you think makes a great song?

To me it would have to be memorable. It would have to have a melody and lyrics that resonate with me. It would have to have pushed boundaries for the time that it was released.

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

Radiohead because I don’t think anyone does what they do (Unfortunately) and that is what I find most alluring about them. Also (and to keep it Australian) Kevin Parker because I like what he does, respect him as artist and base my studio process loosely on his as he’s a one man band as well.

When not working on music, what other creative outlet/s do you have?

I dabble in videography and photography but most of my creative efforts loop back around into music somehow.

Who are some local bands we should check out?

My good friend fronts a band called Chavez Cartel from the Gold Coast. His influences are solid and it is starting to show in their music. Check them out.

Winter or summer and why?

QLD winter and British Summer which happen to be the same thing…

What else do you have planned for 2023?

I plan to release at least two more singles this year and really just get a lot of music out there. The last couple of years have been rough for everyone. I went from having a studio space to zero space so I carried on writing but not doing much recording. I’m fortunate to be in a position now where I can start recording again so I have a lot of music to finish recording and get it out there.
