Can you tell me a bit about your inspiration for your single ‘Blue Honey’?

Blue Honey was inspired by an event that happened one night at a girlfriend's farm house in Brisbane. I can’t really go into all the details here, but basically we all got shit scared as we were all staying alone in this large house. In the dead of the night, we heard a squeal from the valley below and we found out the next day that the squeal was from a horse whose leg had been hurt from kicking the barn door or something. After finding out that there was no real danger, and that my fear was only imagined - we felt inspired to talk about it. I opened up about having to deal with anxiety. My friends had a music room at this house. I took to the piano to start what would be the embers of Blue Honey. So, the song is inspired by my experiences with anxiety, and the women in my life who’ve supported me. 

What are your influences and how do they affect your songwriting? 

Joni Mitchell, Don McClean, Lucinda Williams, Taylor Swift, Patsy Cline….lyrical geniuses. What I love in a song is the story. So, I am heavily influenced by these incredible talents. Only in the past few years have I began writing music, with the lyrics as the seed idea. The words seem to inform the notes. 

What’s the creative process like for you?

Wonderful. I’m always writing down lyrics and thinking of melodies. It often comes when I’m working on an acting job, floods of ideas. Maybe because my imagination is more saturated and stimulated when I’m playing a character and working on a TV set. I’m very grateful that I have found a love, too, for the song-writing process. I’m also now eagerly looking for producers and musicians to collaborate with, so I expect my process will change. 

If you could change something about the Australian music industry what would it be? 

Not sure. I’m only new to the Australian music industry. 

What do you think life would be like for you if you didn’t have music as an outlet? 

 Life would be grim! I’m so grateful to have music as an outlet. I need it. Especially when I come home from a day of challenging acting work. I find it helps me relax. I also write short songs or mini production meditations and then quickly bounce them out,  go for a walk and listen to them, as like… therapy, I guess? They aren’t for anyone else. But I find a lot of ideas spring from doing this. Some of that stuff ends up in the proper songs. 

Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with?  Why?

Safia, William Orbit, Oklou, Joy Anonymous, Roisin Murphy, Nitin Sawhney, Fred Again… too many to name! At the moment, obviously I’d love to collaborate with Fred Again. I’ve also been listening to Joy Anonymous, I love the quality of his voice. I’d like to be able to sing something with him. I’d also just die if Oklou would be keen to remix Blue Honey. She is just so talented. So, yeah, I’d love to collaborate with my favourite electronic and orchestral artists, because that’s the direction I want to take my song-writing. This genre. 

What’s your advice to young people who want to make a career for themselves in the industry? 

I’m not sure I’m equipped to answer this as I’m only new to the music industry. But if I did have something to share, it’s that my journey with music has led me to self-empowerment. I used to just be a raw passion with no technique. So many closed doors, DM’s to music producers left on ‘seen’ and failed music meetings forced me to sit down and learn how to write a song that I’m proud of. With proper structure and honesty. Now that I can write a song, it’s given me a freedom I’ve never felt before, I’ve found my voice. So don’t let criticism stop you, let it galvanize you to find your authenticity. I guess?? 

Who’s the most interesting person you’ve worked with/met? 

Honestly, my sister, Alexandra Flood. She is a professional opera singer, living and working in Vienna, Austria. Her passion for classical music and art history, her keen sense of humanity, her empathy for the characters she plays - continues to inspire me. Whenever I chat to her about a new song idea, or an artist I’ve recently discovered, she always has something awe inspiring or revolutionary to add. Her knowledge of the arts is profound. Alex is an extremely talented, intelligent, and caring person and she’s definitely the most interesting person I know. 

Any plans for a tour on the cards?

Not yet!
