A Quick Chat With Jade Empress

Electro-pop artist Jade Empress, made her debut earlier this year with ‘Golden Hours’ and is now following that up with the soaring ‘Madness’. Juggling the microphone and the stethoscope as a frontline doctor in rural and remote Australia, Jade has managed to gain momentum and accolades of the last few years. To close out 2022 for Jade, ‘Madness’ is all about responding to the chaos in life when one relies on routine - something she is all too familiar with. We caught up with Jade to find out more about the track, her creative process and more.

Can you tell us what this track means to you and what you want people to take away from it?

Falling for someone can be all-consuming, for better or worse, and it's ok to just go with it and enjoy the madness!

Who are some of your influences and why?

Ella Fitzgerald - that voice!

Mark Hooper (one of my best friends - he's an amazing sound designer and artist - he's my visual creative influence, my cheerleader, and my sounding board for life)

What's the creative process for you, from writing through to recording?

Writing is just something I do every day. I record at home quite a bit too, but I get derailed every time I have to set up any new equipment. Recording can be a big process for me, because I'm a perfectionist and I can get quite overwhelmed!

What do you think makes a great song?

Anything that makes me want to listen to it over and over again, or that makes me want to dance to it!

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

Marlon Williams. I love his whole vibe.

When not working on music, what other creative outlet/s do you have?

I dance sometimes, and I write a lot - mostly fiction that I would never let anyone read!

Who are some local bands we should check out?

Freight Train Foxes, Cassidy La Creme, Dani Teveluwe, Tate Sheridan and LamBros!

Winter or summer and why?

Winter because I like cold-water swimming! And also snuggling under blankets, and open fires.

What else do you have planned for the year?

I'm just starting a research project at UNSW, so I'm moving to NSW next week. I'm scared but excited! I also have a whole bunch of tracks I wanted to release, plus an EP, but I think that will be early next year.

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