Lucas from Midnight Drags, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself? How would you describe your music?

I’ve probably been writing music ’seriously’ for the last 12 or so years, I initially set out to write for other artists as I had no real intentions of releasing my music myself.. even though I’d played in a bunch of bands (original and covers) in my teens and early 20’s playing live music was never really a big priority for me.. (in fact my early 20’s were spent dj’ing in clubs around Melbourne playing house music, I probably was more focussed on writing dance music) but as the years went on got back on the guitar and started writing rock and pop.. I just wanted to write music and give it to someone else to perform! but after years of writing and not finding anyone willing to sing my songs (to be fair I am very lazy and probably didn’t try too hard) I was left with a bunch of (what I thought) were pretty cool songs so I took the leap of faith and decided to release them myself, independently.. this became my first album ‘Long Way Back Down’ (under Lucas James) which I released in 2016. I wrote, played and recorded that on my laptop in my spare room at home. I would describe my music as ‘gritty pop’.


What’s the creative process like for you?

Most of the time I come up with chords that I like then mumble/hum some kind of incoherent tune over the top until I find something I like and form the melodic base of the song first. Then I’ll try to fit some ‘real’ words into the melody I’ve just created. Often during the process of mumbling a tune I’m actually unconsciously forming words that can then inspire a story or idea. Sometimes I’ll have a sentence or phrase written down that i’ll slot into the melodic idea and on the odd odd occasion I’ll have fully formed lyrics that then need music and melody. 


Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with?

Lot’s of people! Off the top of my head, I would love to work with Josh Homme (QOTSA), he’s a big influence..

Can you tell me a bit about your inspiration for ‘Ronnie’?

It's essentially a love song.. A song about grief, pain and what happens to someone when the person they love gets taken away from them. But it's also hopeful!

As the song was loosely based on somebody I know it kinda wrote itself. 

And it probably started with me strumming chords and humming nonsense over the top as most of my songs start that way!  Although I reckon it took me half an hour or so to come up with the chords and melody and then a few weeks to write the lyrics.


How would you describe yourself as an artist to someone who has no idea who you are and has never seen your work?

I’m a songwriter who writes big ol’ pop songs.. Usually played by loud guitars and slamming drums. Sometimes played by slightly less loud guitars and a tiny bit less slamming drums.


What are your rehearsals generally like?
Do you have a set time each week in which you practice or are rehearsals more spontaneous?

Usually pretty well behaved and fun.. No set time, always spontaneous.. Depends on when I can get everyone together and that usually needs a months advance warning!

If you could change something about the music industry what would change?

Not much i don’t think.. Perhaps ensure that all backstage band riders have a minimum of at least 3 beers for each band member and some sort of platter with nice cheeses (not the rubbery cheddar but maybe more Stilton or Gorgonzola?)


Do you have any memorable backstage stories?

None that i can repeat. Sorry.

What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?

Most car horns honk in the key of F, which is also the same key as a telephone dial tone.


