A quick chat with Second Idol


Love the new track ‘White Noise’. Was there anything unique about the way you wrote this song?

Maxine: It took a while for me to find my place in the band as a guitarist, but I think the demo of “White Noise” became the zeitgeist, Kate wrote the lead line in the choruses and that sort of formed the direction I took on writing lead lines for everything else; to add or emphasise elements of discord, tension, and sort of retreat/attack dynamics to the music.

Kate: It started with a lead guitar line that I wrote, that was inspired by the kind new wave of post-punk revivalists in the UK and Ireland such as Fontaines DC. When Maxine came on board on lead guitar, she really made that riff her own and her playing gives us a lot of power and drama. I think I had a lot of anger when I wrote the song and was trying to find a way to channel it into a song that was poignant and colossal. Once the lead was down the rhythm guitars and song structure fell into place, and Theia’s bass just underpins it all and gives us a real menacing growl. When we initially recorded ‘White Noise’ we had a different drummer, but for the release, we managed to recruit our record producer Nick Franklin to get behind the kit. Lyrically, the subject matter contemplates body politics, misogyny and women’s bodies. About how women’s and non-gender confirming bodies are often politicised and attacked, and how exhausting it can be to carry on when you’re surrounded by a constant hum of strangers trying to dictate your autonomy. 

Outside of music, what are your interests?

: Outside of music I'm a pretty big nerd, Star Wars and medieval warfare are two massive special interests of mine and my brain is filled with so much about them both. Ask me about B-wings or gothic armour and I will talk for hours.

Kate: I’m also a big nerd. I’m a long-time Tolkien and Lord Of The Rings fan and am into Marvel. I’m currently obsessed with The Witcher. I’m really into queer fandom culture in general - hello Tumblr!

My first love apart from music is art photography and I’m a bit obsessed with collecting film and polaroid cameras. 

You each seem like you have a background in music. How did Second Idol form?

Maxine: I’ve been playing for a long time, first as a guitarist and later as a front person too. I had lots of sort of false starts and casual bands and then started a solo project. I think Kate heard my stuff and was looking for a second guitarist and asked me to join more or less. 

Kate: I heard Maxine’s solo stuff and thought - I think I need to play music with this person!

I played the piano and was a soprano one in a bunch of traditional type choirs when I was a kid. I was painfully shy and never wanted to be heard about the general crowd. I branched off and started playing the guitar in high school, inspired by one of my school friends who played the guitar, and their brother played in the local grunge band.

Second Idol formed from my previous band Bruise Pristine which myself and Theia were in. I first met Theia when she helped out on a Bruise Pristine music video, and when Bruise had line-up changes and I was looking for a bassist, Theia was asked if she’d like to try out. We’ve been playing together since 2019 ad she has incredible energy and commanding stage presence.


Last year when COVID hit and we had a bunch of gig cancellations, I was having a bit of a pause and re-think about the band, and I had been contemplating whether it might be worth pursuing a second/lead guitarist to bolster our sound. I came across Maxine’s solo EP and found her guitar playing and song writing really refreshing and I approached her to see if she’d be interested in trying out with us.

We ended 2020 on a real high play a couple of real-life gigs after the live music and entertainment scene being hit so hard. We were really invigorated by our consolidated sound and decided that it was time for a re-birth, so we said adieu to Bruise Pristine and adopted the name Second Idol.

Theia: I've always found playing music to be amazing for focusing all my manic energy into expression and connection. I live in a world where my identity is politicised daily, so writing and performing for me became a powerful "fuck you I exist!" to the collapsing world I’ve grown up into, and through that expression hopefully a "you can exist too" to anyone who can hear.

You will be releasing an accompanying music video with the track; can you tell us a bit about the story you’re conveying in this?

: I guess it can be seen as a conflict between femininity and masculinity, and power dynamics. Our director Olivia Costa pitched the idea of the band playing in an abattoir looking room, contrasting against two men who are dancing, yet devolve into fighting against each other. It’s stark and dramatic.

Can we expect more music in 2021 from Second Idol?

: We’ve recorded an EP titled ‘Defence Mechanisms’ which we’re due to release in a couple of months. We’re currently running a crowdfunding campaign to help us achieve a music geek dream of getting vinyl pressed. Stay tuned!
