A Quick Chat With Super Ghost

Gold Coast’s indie/ alt rock trio, Super Ghost, blur genres with waves of surf-rock instrumentals, indie-pop break-downs and a touch of spaghetti western. With a number of singles and their debut EP under their belt, they are now kicking off 2023 with a flurry of melodies and emotion in ‘Don’t Talk About It’. We got in touch with the band to find out a little bit more about the track, the band and some other things they get up to. 

Can you tell us what this track means to you and what you want people to take away from it?

‘Don’t Talk About It’ is all about tension and uncomfortable feelings. These feelings can seep in when a relationship isn’t working—maybe it’s dysfunctional or toxic, maybe the spark is gone or maybe something else has happened behind the scenes. But breaking down your guard to talk about it is only going to make the situation worse and get trapped in this tense, engulfing emotion. ‘Don’t Talk About It’ is about capturing that awkward state in a song.

Who are some of your influences and why?

Don’t Talk About It is definitely influenced by Australian Pop-Rock icon Faker who have recently returned after hiatus. We have all been listening to them for years and they have some amazing song writing in their discography, especially their debut album ‘Addicted Romantic’. We also gathered influence from Melbourne’s upcoming alternative rockers MID CITY. We brought our own elements of cowboy rock and tried to bring out the anticipation and climax in this song.

What's the creative process for you, from writing through to recording?

This song started with Hudson writing a folky verse, very singer-songwriter. Alex got his hands on it and really sped it up and tried to build a lot more intensity and power. Nate saw opportunity to bring out some heavy hitting in the bridge of the song and we really took this song to the knife and dissected it a lot to bring it to the point it’s at now—and we are really proud of this one.

What do you think makes a great song?

We think a great song is a song that brings entertainment and is generally unpredictable, but still organised. We all listen to different music, but a common thread between us ends up being Midwest emo. They’re normally very complicated and unpredictable, but normally have an underlying hook that’s catchy and inspiring to listen to. 

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

If we could collaborate with any artist, it would be Delta Sleep (UK), Faker (AUS) or Macseal (USA). Although all these artists are in different genres, they all have a really holistic approach to song writing that brings a unique flare to their sound that we can’t resist.

When not working on music, what other creative outlet/s do you have?

Hudson loves to do rock climbing and play basketball if that counts as a creative outlet. Nate loves to research obscure fuzz pedals (he can’t get away from music), and Alex  has been delving into cooking!

Who are some local bands we should check out?

We really like Bean Magazine, they have an awesome image and such an energetic live show. Other great local bands to checkout are Eyesite, IS MANKIND and Chamber Lane.

Winter or summer and why?

Summer, so we can swim in the pool or at the beach at least twice over the course of 3 months.

What else do you have planned for 2023?

We got a couple more songs that are getting their final touches, we hope to bring them out for you really soon. We are playing a single launch for Don’t Talk About It at the Bearded Lady in West End on April 1st. We can’t wait to show everyone what we have been working on!
