1: Congratulations on your first full length release! How did celebrations go down on release day?
Thank you! We were actually playing Soundcheck Festival in Germany on our release day which was a killer way to play some of the new songs for the first time.
2: With such relentless song-writing skills, how do you stay inspired?
What keeps the ideas pumping out?
Constantly pushing ourselves to write something different outside of our comfort zones is one of the biggest things that keeps us inspired to keep writing. It can be very easy to get stuck in a box when it comes to writing so it’s important to really dig in and find something new when you’re in the creative process.
3: How do you hope these new songs will resonate with your audience?
We really hope that these new songs on the record resonate with our audience, both on the recordings and at the live shows. These songs are a step forward in the sonic direction of the band and showcase more of who we are and what we’re about.
4: Is there a reoccurring theme on the album, or does each song hold its own significant meaning?
I’d lean more towards each song holding its own meaning. Although there are some thematic connections between songs, they each have their own character and speak about something different.
5: What are some wise words you would say to your younger self?
Stop eating dairy! You’ll thank yourself in a few years’ time.
6: Having toured far and wide, what are some band favourite cities to play in across the globe?
One of my favourite cities is definitely Antwerp. It’s just so unique and have so much amazing architecture and culture.
7: Do you have any horror stories to share from the studio or on the road?
Yes, but anything that’s worth mentioning is way to scarring to read!
8: You are all so mechanically tight with your live shows. Do you have any practice rituals / routines that keep this chemistry to such a high standard?
We just constantly assess our show to keep everything in check. We’re always looking for ways that we can make the set tighter so that we never get complacent with how we perform.
9: How will you be spending the rest of your 2019?
We have another UK/EU headline tour at the end of the year, then I’ll finally be heading home to Perth to spend Christmas and New Years with my friends and family.