Is there an album on the way for Tinpan Orange ?
Can you please tell us about the themes and ideas behind your latest single release ‘Turn It On Again’ ?
I wrote the song a year ago and initially it was about my only way of fixing technological problems: turning things off and turning them on again and hoping for the best. I saw that approach as a good metaphor for relationships. Now, in the shutdown world of Covid, the song has an eerie new relevance.
Emily and Jesse – you are brother and sister. Have you both always wanted to be musicians? Did you write songs together as children ?
As children we fought like feral dogs. As teenagers we mellowed and bonded over music. It wasn’t till our early 20’s that we thought we could possible make music our career. It kinda snuck up on us. Eventually, we were touring most of the year and making more money than waitressing and we thought we could start taking ourselves seriously.
2020 has been a turbulent year for the whole world, but particularly for musicians and the live music scene. How has Covid-19 affected your touring plans? And how have you been occupying your time during these past months in isolation?
We have been on a two year hiatus and 2020 was going to be our year to re-emerge. I had my third son last year so I have been with my children a lot. But we were all looking forward to getting back on the road and releasing new music this year. Luckily we got into studio a few weeks before the first lockdown and recorded the most part of an EP. We shot the film clip to turn it on again on our phones, each in our own homes, and had it edited by photographer Carnival Cinema. I’ve been looking after my kids, planting a garden, watching mafia movies, eating pasta, writing a children’s album and reading books.
Over the years you’ve played at various festivals like Laneway, Woodfood Folk Festival, and Falls, have you got any funny tour stories that you would like to share?
Too many moments. We laugh a lot when we’re together so every day is a funny adventure. We are blessed to have met some wonderful, colourful characters along the way and brought out children and partners along for some of the tours.
Is there an album or an EP coming this year?
It’s such an uncertain time, it’s so hard to make definite plans. Our original plan was to have an ep out by the end of the year but at this stage we shall see what the world is looking like day by day. But yes, we have stuff the share!