What can we expect from a Snark gig in a post-iso world?

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Hey Snark! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us today.

Thank you so much for having us!

Your new single ‘Wasted’ feels like a big party anthem - can you tell us a little about the song?

With Wasted we really set out to write a song that sounds like the soundtrack to the wildest party of the year until you listen a little closer and take notice of the lyrics. It's actually a surprisingly angst-ridden song and tells a pretty dark story. We often talk about our songs as being upbeat anthems for sad people and 'Wasted' is the perfect example of that! 

We’re excited to hear your debut EP in a few months’ time! What can you let us know about the release?

We're so excited for everyone to hear it! It has definitely been a long time coming but we've poured our hearts and our souls into this EP and couldn't be prouder of how it has turned out. The EP is such a huge step up from anything we've done previously - it's more mature and evolved than our previous work and the five tracks on there are all so different from one another. One of the things that we feel the EP does a really great job of is contrast, there are some pretty heavy themes in parts but also some real upbeat, high tempo moments on there. A little bit of light and dark. We're really excited to see how people react to it. 

What was it like working with Kisschasy’s Darren Cordeaux?

Working with Darren was an amazing experience! Being Melbourne boys, Kisschasy was one of our favourite bands growing up - they were actually the first band Stefan ever saw live - so naturally we jumped at the chance to work with him. Darren is based out of LA at the moment so a lot of the work was done through Skype calls at odd hours or sending demos and ideas back and forth through email but he did manage to get down to Melbourne for a bit and jamming our songs with him in person for the first time was such a special moment for us. The stand out things about working with Darren were what a great ear for a hook he has and how much confidence he gave us to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. We think his influence is something that really stands out on 'Wasted' and the EP as a whole.

There’s a definite Cali-punk influence running through your music, particularly on ‘Wasted’, while at the same time showing a bit of Aussie charm. Which artists would you say have had the strongest influence on your music, and what are you hoping listeners take away from a Snark song?

The three of us are huge fans of bands like FIDLAR and Wavves - that's probably where a lot of that Cali-punk vibe is coming from. We were also really into pop-punk bands like blink-182 when we were younger and that early influence definitely bleeds through a bit, but to be honest some of the stuff that inspires us the most at the moment are bands like Violent Soho, Dear Seattle and The Smith Street Band. There's something really authentic about it that really clicks for us and that's why there is that tinge of Australiana to what we do. At the end of the day, we want our music to be an outlet for people - the world is a crazy, confusing place at the best of times and if we can write songs that resonate with people the way the songs we love do with us and help them through that, that'd be amazing.

Do you have any hobbies / interests outside of the band? 

Absolutely! Stefan and Matias are both really into soccer, they play on a local team together and have been teammates since they were kids - it's actually how they met. It also means they both have horrible sleep schedules because they are often up in the middle of the night to watch their respective English Premier League teams play. Time zones are rough like that. 

Pat and Matias both play a fair bit of Magic: The Gathering.

What can we expect from a Snark gig in a post-iso world?

It's hard to tell what a gig in a post-iso world looks like exactly but we have so much pent up energy from staying home through all this, the one thing we can guarantee is that it'll be pretty wild. You can expect a whole lot of intensity, a bunch of sing-alongs and some good times. And you're guaranteed to leave with at least three new best friends (us). We can't wait to get back into it!

Stream 'Wasted' here
