What’s next for Georgia Mae? 

What three words best describe Georgia Mae? 

Alice in Wonderland.


Tell me the story behind Gigi and the Dragonfly? How did it come to life? 

I’m obsessed with story-telling, and I love how releasing a body of work allows an artist to not only tell her story with a bit more breathing space (as opposed to releasing singles all the time), but also presents an opportunity to weave a bigger story…so from here, I came up with an almost hyper-real alter-ego of myself (Gigi) who lives in a hyper-real world where I feel I am best able to express the stories within me. Gigi and the Dragonfly, to its core, represents my growth over the last few years, as an artist but also on an intensely intimate level. By calling myself something other than my birth name, I’m able to step a little further into the alternate realities I’m conjuring. It’s very cool. And dragonflies...hugely symbolic in regards to this chapter of my life; legend has it that a dragonfly is a symbol of change, transformation, adaptability and self-realisation. A dragonfly teaches us how to love life, and to have faith even amidst difficulties. For many moons it’s been a totem of wisdom, as it’s such an ancient creature, and enforces connection with nature’s spirit and faerie realms (something I’ve been exploring through my family lore of Druid ancestry). Above all, a dragonfly promotes diving deeper into our truest self. 


How do you want people to feel when they listen to your debut EP? 

Haha that’s up to them! Whatever it is, I hope it’s meaningful. That’s always been my main goal - to give something that encourages listeners to feel in a meaningful way. Different for everyone, I guess.


What’s your favorite song on the EP? 

Blue Flowers. I think it’s the best song I’ve released to date..? I had the pleasure of making it with Chris Collins who is so inspiring, and what we made that day came from a very special place inside of me.


What’s next for Georgia Mae? 

Lots more music,I’m excited to do live shows, and will just have to wait and see where the dragonfly takes me :)
